Any suggestions on which things should be taken out to replace? I find it hard to pick which because they all have a pretty good purpose. Maybe Doom Blade? But they kinda do the same thing except with doomblade I don't have to sac a creature. But if they were running a black deck i see the point in bone splinters since i can't kill them with doom
Im going to have to use Suture Priest to try and lower the price, since this is a remake of your deck that you use I was just trying to get it around the $20 mark. What do you think should be taken out for some Suture Priests?
So Thank you for your suggestion!
Done! I like it more then Bloodgreeter because it does the same thing for one more mana and it hurts them for putting out creatures which just helps out even more in ending the game faster. If I could get 2+ of them out it would be really nice
I took it down to 2. I just like to have them so I can get both my bubbling cauldron's out and use them as 2 sacs a turn. I added in 2 Bone Splinters, and Artillerize they are both really good! Artil is kinda mana intensive for an instant but it does do 5 damage so I like it alot. Thank you for your suggestions!I didn't like the Vampire since it goes away after the turn, I do see if having an advantage but I hope that they wouldn't be able to keep very many creatures out with all my control and sacs so I don't think I would need the boost from the vampire when my Elemental will already be pretty strong in a few turns of being out
I like the idea of Blood Artists, but they are kinda pricey at $1.50 for one. I might be able to slide one in but I like to keep my decks below $15 if I can and under $20 at the most so I could add one or two in. I will add them into a small sideboard i supposeThanks for your input!
Yeah, it is sort of mana intensive. The bigger reason why I like the Witch is to get a the two bubbling cauldron's out for easy sac's and good life gain from each creature you sac with it. and If you can get the Newt's out then you can sac them and give the enemy a -4/-4 counter on a creature and kill it too.
Combo: Blighted Agent 1/1 + Wild Defiance + Giant Growth = 7 Counters on player T4.T5 : Lay down any boost really and hit again for 3 and win
The Plague slivers would hurt you then and nobody else with their ability? Or does it hurt everyone when their upkeep comes around
Yeah the only way you could get it to be that low is if somehow you could find them one by one at a super cheap place which would be very hard to do. I remade this deck on my page though for close to $20 middle price I think it would work okay
Yeah I attempted to make your deck cheaper by the way if you want to give it a look and see what you think. I got it pretty close to $20 and made it all about persists basically an undying deck
Thank you! out this deck and let me know what you think of it?
You would be very lucky to get this deck for only $20. It would be more like $30 at least I feel like
Nice Job dude! You need to do more budget decks! They are the fun ones to do because a lot of people can build them easy and try them out. I think mono green is so much fun to make budget too because there is so many powerful cards for so cheapCheck out some of mine if you don't mind sometime?
Descrip of how it works? Have you build this deck before?
Yeah I didn't realize it costed so much sorry about that! Does Praotor's Grasp allow you to cast the card as many times as you want? If they had a black instant could you only play it once or as many times as you want?
You should make a deck with 4x Hundred Handed Ones, and 4x Acolyte. Block all Creatures with one of the Hundred Handed Ones, Then bounce back all the damage at the player
Cool deck idea Rogib and Northy! I like it, has a lot of 2 drop cards and even a planeswalker still under $20 even thats crazy cool!It does seem to have a lot of higher cost cards which could cause some trouble if you play against a control deck. If you are lucky enough to draw your Xenago then mana curve isn't as big of an issue, since I feel like Warstorm Surge and Revel of the Fallen God is an awesome combo but pretty mana intensive.However I do not really know what to change as I feel like it would work but in some games it might take a while to get up to speed depending on your draw and shuffle really.
This is not under $10, more like $22
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