incinerate over lightning helix? and i would add shatterstorm to sb, you have no answer for affinity/robots
Just a ruling question, can you snapcaster into an overloaded mizzium mortars? Ya know for those times when you have 9 spare mana
Thats what ive been running, its was unstoppable every single play test 0_0
263/274 cards spoiled as of today! I was very surprised, it was only at 123 yesterday
Heres my old defender deck, maybe youll get some ideas. I really like the deck though
This page is so old how did you even find it xD. Im mad tired/busy tonight but i will tomoro
O yes your right. I didn't read it correctly I apologize
Thank you for taking the time to answer Ethan. Sadly, one by one, my friends stopped playing magic; but my love for this wonderful game was too great for me to quit. Its a seemingly impossible dream for me to ever make a top 8, yet I may be wrong. I know I have that drive, but right now I don't have the time or money to use it. I pray magic doesn't die out before i can. Until it does, I'll be playing and practicing with what I have-proxy cards, a local Game Castle, Cockatrice, mtgvault, and a love of the game. Thank you again, I hope you know your suggestions will go a long way. -Masa
Your decks never cease to amaze me. When I get older, I would love to play in magic tournaments, do you have any general advice on how to become a better player?
thank you skyepirate :D
Does this website update right on the 5th?
That would be very cool. Personally I'm too much of a geeky roleplayer to experiment with combinations of them because I'll be too focused on individual guilds/guild wars, but I definitely love the idea.
He's good, not great though. In my opinion Vraska is the better planeswalker.
I'll be playing Selesnya and Golgari, and sadly losing to Azorius decks :P. I might even try out Rakdos though depending on how badass he turns out to be. But actually awesomeness42 (great name), Ground Seal looks like it could actually benefit Golgari decks, since Scavenge is the main mechanic. It would protect against Tormod's Crypt quite well. Unfortunately, I think everyone is correct in thinking that Detain mixed with some counters will be too powerful to beat. For those who haven't seen it and want a quick link ***Spoiler*** ***Spoiler*** Lotleth Troll/Slitherhead FTW
Oh ok. And I forgot to say- those are just my ideas, the deck is great right now. Nice job with this :)
A few commas and periods never hurt anyone ;)
Entreat the Angels and Ajani, Caller of Pride (his ultimate) are both good finishers. But I'm assuming they are not in there since you don't own them and they are incredibly expensive. Anyways, maybe sideboard Angel of Jubilation, Celestial Purge, and Demystify. Hero of Bladehold and Elite Vanguard are also solid cards. Those are just what i know of the top of my head, hope i helped KJ
I'll try my best
Heres my Doran EDH if you want some ideas
1-20 of 270 items