
10 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Yeah, thats true,
but first thing you do as the combo is rdy is letting your enemy discard his hand with dimir, your mana pool is full anyway and his abilities can be stacked above removal instants until you draw a counter
-then you draw only until you reach your Capsize and some counters to protect your combo. then you return each permanent (also lands of course) to his hand and let him discard them with dimir
-then you let him draw ONE card and let him discard it, repeating that with the rest of his library while he has
--no lands for mana that would allow him to use spells from hand or graveyard
--no more than 2 cards that would allow him to play force of will e.g.
so you are not giving him his 'whole' library... but you are right, maybe i should throw in more capsize

combo probability redundancy: yeah maybe more LeyDruids and DriftOfPhantasms to transmute to them. fertile ground can be transmuted with MuddleTheMixture at least, every functional card has 8 cards that allows you to get it considering transmutation. Also, don't underestimate the deck thinning through the sacrifice-lands

Posted 12 December 2012 at 11:50 in reply to #309808 on Dimir Victory
