A tip. Use 4 Chord ofCalling in the main and reduce some creatures, like the Colossus and the Hydra. You will buy the creatures from you grimoire allways you want. Combined with Disciple of Nylea and Hornet Queen and that will save you sometimes during a match.
I use the Citadel because of Nissa. A 4/4 Elemental with Trample and Indestructible is nothing bad....
Great add. I will include
Master of the Feast is the best black creature in the standard block actually. But it gives the opponent extra cards each turn, and it kills de deck´s strategy
Thanks. It´s correct now
Great deck. I only prefer the Plague Myr than Necropede. And I prefer focus in the Unblockable than Trample power
That´s because I made this deck identical as my real one. Doom Blade really is a better choice