Power conduit can't target suspended cards(without errata at least).
This deck looks pointless to me. And with 75 cards, your starting hand could easily be junk. A mill deck is pointless unless it really can mill out your opponent quickly. I don't know how many times I've been up against mill decks that are far too slow to be threatening. Any reasonable creature deck would smash your little zombies very quickly.
I refuse to play decks that are designed to slow the game to a crawl. What is the point? I've been stuck in a game with these types of decks enough times that I don't want to repeat the experience.
A nice creature force, with a killer combo. I like it.
Drudge Skeletons are very weak.
This deck doesn't work because you're entirely reliant on Biorhythm to win, and you have no extra card draw to help you draw that card. There will be plenty of games when you just wont accomplish anything.
Too many cards.
Most annoying deck ever? I would think bounce would be important for a deck like this.
I don't know why you'd call this control - more like beat stick creature deck.
If you don't draw elvish piper the deck does absolutely nothing...and if you do draw elvish piper a single lightning bolt takes care of it, and the deck still does absolutely nothing.
Very nice. This will give me some ideas for my own deck. Kokusho is the strongest dragon around, in my opinion.
Nice combo - hard to see how to improve it.
Creatureless? Blergh, I can see your Days of Judgement being counterspelled - and as soon as you play a planeswalker, you'd pull threat, and have to deal with a wave of creature aggression - good luck handling that with your terminates. Of course, maybe this is only for duels, like most decks here. 75 cards? *shakes head*