4 Sphinx's is way too much, keep 2-or 3(MAX) and try to get more cards that mill. U might wanna consider Chronic flooding as it can mill quite fast, it's four of in any milling deck. Standard talking anyway.
I like your deck a lot, well thought and well balanced. But why would you keep a single of Burst of Speed? Think about Immortal Servitude. If you're in a tight spot, brings back all your graveyard to kick ass.
http://www.mtgvault.com/manax/decks/losing-your-mind/ Just dropping this here, it was my milling deck when it was standard, it rarely lost. You should consider archive trap, with Hedron Crab, they are my favorite milling cards, and they are simple to combo with. Consider Surgical Extraction aswell as you can get rid of big threats. The big weakness of milling is its lack of ability to alter the board as much as a creature deck, Surgical Extraction does more than that, it alters future threats. Instead of big ass clones, you should use Phantasmal Image, weaker but much more faster. And my final words are to go turbo fog. You can still use standstill, but go with Rites of Flourishing and then use cards to give you more turns such as Savor the Moment or Time Stretch and TIme Warp.
The format you play in has a lot of fetch lands and whatnots, yet you don't play Archive Trap, how come?
Ok so here's what I have to say your deck: I think you have too much bounce for the amount of creatures with ''enters the battlefield''. And most of them are back to your hands, which means you have to cast it again, making you a pretty slow caster since you cast the same cards over and over again.I think the Angel's Tomb can be replaced with something better and so can Peel from reality. Faerie Impostor cannot be cast first turn and you should have something to cast on the first turn, so I'd go fo something like Cloudfin Raptor instead. Do put Voidwalk but to use it u need good creatures to cipher on like Geist perhaps. And then I'd go control from there, counters and maybe detention sphere since artifacts and planeswalkers can be threats aswell. Soul Tithe is cheap and good.SO yeah that's what I think.Check my decks! http://www.mtgvault.com/manax/decks/standard-control-azomirhv
http://www.mtgvault.com/manax/decks/faeries/My deck used to look like yours, I changed it a bit since then. Take a look, :P
3 equipments, for 7 creatures, in a deck of 60 cards. The odds are not for you. Take out favorable winds, you are not couting on the damage you deal, so no need for +1+1, replace those by Mindgheist or something or Mindshrieker. Other than that, you seem to have something for everything. Make a sideboard though, you have a lil something for everything, in your sideboard you must be able to turn aside and go all out againt one type of deck specifically.
There's my faerie deck, it could give you some ideas ;) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157501 I do not play Scion of Oona for the simple reason that it shrouds my creatures, and I need to target them to be efficient. Have a look, and I hoped it helped a litlle bit?
Hi Starkey, thank you for saying that my decks look awful. All of them are outdated but the most recent one, which cant be tested atm because I'm not home since 6 months and without magic cards, I just wanted to try something and get feedbacks since I'd like a milling deck t2 that works not bad when I go back home. Instead of saying that they're awful, could you please tell me what you would do to make it better? And then I can explain to you my reasoning and make a better deck. Now, for your deck, I actually like it. But I don't really understand why you put in Savage Twister, since you have to pay so much for bigger creatures. You could put in Killing Waves? You can control the amount you put as X and control the decision of your opponent, which is pretty useful to win no? There since I already know what you think about my milling decks, take a look at my faerie deck ^^ http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157501
I'd would take out one trepenation blade and add one shriekgheist too^-^
Undead Alchemist is a high cost creature(not that bad but still), so you should keep like 1-2, replace divination by think twice and add 2 Temporal Mastery. Using think twice or thought scour in you ennemie's turn allow to cast the miracle cost immediatly. Replace the Geist Snatch and 2 negate by Mana Leaks to be able to bluff the think twice. Take out the last Negate and add another Ponder to predict a lil bit more the Temporal Mastery. Take out one dissipate and one increasing confusion and add Sword of body and mind. You should think about Surgical Extraction aswell. I hope i was usefull, I need ideas on my decks aswell, come check them out >.< http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510 Standard Milling http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=157501 Legacy Faeries http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=160723 A deck abusing the fact that the opponent has to pay again and again for everything.
Most of you zombies aren't that high in cost, thus i would take out rooftop storm, and 1-2 land. Replace those by like, 1 undead alchemists and something to protect you litlle babies.
Nice deck, but I would: -1 Gitaxian Probe -4 Vapor Snag -1 Visions of Beyond -2 Dreadwaters -2 Increasing Confusion Now now, let me explain. Gitaxian Probe, because you don't need 4 of it since your gameplay doesn't require you to know about their hand that much, but it is a nice card that let's you adapt yourself. Vapor Snag because you don't need to point of damage and there is a nice card that goes with Runic Ritual. Visions of Beyond, because it is a nice card, but only wheen there is 20 cards in a graveyard, which happens later in the game. Dreadwater because it is only good late game and not that much of a good card, you could keep one because it is still a nice card~. Increasing Confusion Is another great card, but even when when you cast it from the grave, you still need lot's of Mana, so keep 2 for late game. Now now, what i would replace that is: +4 Silent Departure to replace Vapor Snags, and can get it back with RUnic Ritual +3 Devastation Tide , Because you don,t have many permanents and it pwns people +1 land , why not +2 Vanishment , It let's you ''kill'' any permanent with another milling card because it directly goes in the graveyard. So, take it or not^^ Check out my try at a standard. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
If you would splash a bit of white, you could have some boardwipes instead of fog, which are cool are think? I'd keep one Karn and add Jace, memory adeptsomething because his glimpse ability is quite good, and since you should have quite a good ramp, it is something you might wanna think about because n your deck he is only 5 mana? Check out my try at a milling deck !! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
Traumatize is not much of a good card actually, the more you use it the more the other copies are useless. You hae to absolutely drop it on turn 5 if you want it to be a litlle bit efficient, and by turn five with hedron crab and your other ''quick ways to mill'' you will top deck about only 15-20 cards for five mana. Instead you should really think about archive trap. Since you are playing in legacy/modern, everybody uses fetch and stuff. 13 cards for 0 mana is quite a lot better than archive trap, think about it. Check out my try at a standard milling deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
and you should consider Ghost Quarter and Hedron Crab even though it is a draw/mill deck, Hedron Crab is one of the fastest milling card ever^^ Check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
If you want to be faster and even more annoying you should consider archive trap and surgical extraction
Cool idea, i actually never thought of a red/blue deck milling. You should maybe cheack out the newest version of the fire lady (m12) planeswalker i dont remember the name xD anyway check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
Mill decks shouldn't have traumatize in it, traumatize is so slow and if you have multiple copies of it it becomes such a dead card, it's the card i hate the most i think when people talk about milling decks. But, what i would say is that you don't have have high tide? How come? replace memory sluice and get high tide, and try to get more cards to get you keep drawing, Since you play in legacy(which is full of fetching players) you MUST have Archive Trap( one my favorite cards ever....) Check out my milling deck, it's a bit of a mix bag but and i want advices for that (derp) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
I would take out gather the town folks because you already have so many token spawners and it is really unlikely that if you are at 5 life you will win cuz it means you don,t have any tokens on the game. Add some discard to keep the tempo on your opponent! Check my awesomme milling deck ! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340510
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