maybe add aura gnarlid because it goes amazingly with auras
two bloodgift demons?
2x plague wind 2x primeval titan 2x grave titan and like all kinds of the black destroy jank stuff that there is basically
i would take out the manaliths and the jor kadeen for something that would make the deck a lot more effieicnet for overall. most likely take out the manaliths for mirran crysaders and jors for something that would come out very fast. plus, doesnt the indominable make your artifact creatures not being able to be equipped to the equipment needs to target the creature and they wouldnt be able to be targeted. the deck does seem very solid though other than those very small flaws inside of it.
yea i think that you would actually need more to kill your opponent than just those two cards because it would take a while to actually kill them with the two cards
if money isnt a problem then i would consider Sorin for the deck due to his -2 ability making all of your creatures being that stronger, and for something to take the opponents eye off of you
i would add mayors and immerwolf because both are great cards for the pump for your creatures. plus, immerwolf will keep your wolves as wolves without the worry of them transforming.
culling the weak and dark rituals give him all the mana he needs for the deck.
you definitely need some sliver overlords and sliver legions if you are playing five colored slivers.
i would add seething song and a fireball, so you could get an infinite loop with mirros sheen.
isnt arrest white?
i would try running more removal, due to zombies generally running slowly. so what i usually do is i run about 45% of the deck as removal, but you dont have to go that overboard with it. but definately add some more removal, like doom blade, GFTT, and geths verdict
i would try to double up on the wurmcoil because you could easily pop them to search with the forgemaster if necessary. i have a control deck also, but mine runs white as well as well as blue and black. deck link:
i like the deck idea. i have something a little similar to it that i want people to look at deck link:
i would try and figure out what you liek about it, and then try to double up on those cards to make it more effiecient, because some times you could be stuck with some things that are in the deck that could be more of a sideboard card (naturalize). but it seems to be fun if it gets out the correct stuff for it to fire off
i like this deck a lot. couldja take a look at my tezzerut deck? it is still a WIP but its getting close i think deck link:
i like it. i usually do mass polymorph with emrakul, iona and stormtide leviathon. take a look at my tezzerut deck
i would suggest the following 4X doomed traveler 4X intangible virtue 4X beast within all of these cards allow you to get more tokens on your side except for intangible which gives them +1/+1 and vigilance.
you need a playset of isocheron scepters for your fogs for this deck. one of my favorite things to do.
the sketchy part about running coat of arms is that it could also power up their creatures if they are running tribal as well, which is a lot more than most people think usually :P but i still like the idea of it, but its just a warning for you just in case you may find something better.
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