Some thoughts for you... Basilisk Collar, Knight of Medowgrain, Cranial Plating and Etched Champion.Think First Strike combined with Basilisk Collar, not pleasant for others.Good luck with it.
Hi there, just some cards you may find useful, I know I did.Familiar's Ruse, Archive Trap, Surgical Extraction, Serum Visions and Gitaxian Probe.Good luck
Nice deck, pity it's no longer standard legal. How did it go when it was?
Thanks for the help. As I said, we have 3 players in the house and one of us is already playing GB while another is playing UW. I can't see my way to a second set of Overgrown Tomb's plus a set of Abrupt Decay AND a set of Entreat the Angels. Budget restraints being what they are. Seriously, that is almost $260 for 12 cards. OK, GREAT cards, but still $260 I don't have. I know it is a slow deck. Don't have to much choice at this point. So I have tried to make the most of what I have to work with. I think I did OK under the circumstances. The mana base is not as bad as it seems. I would much prefer to have a land come in tapped that gives me the color mana I need that have land come in of the wrong color... I suffer from getting mana screwed at the best of times and loose more games by not seeing the color I need than having land come into play tapped. This happens way to regular to be ignored. I think the mana gods hate me(or maybe it's a CIA plot). I don't know???? Anyway, with regards to which deck to use I would say your Grixis deck would work best at either of my locations. However, your location's metagame may be different to mine. Watch out for mono red aggro+burn decks. They will kill you more often than not. Maybe, with the card choices you have, you should think about a UW tempo deck instead. A good player, which I'm not, will win very regularly with that deck against nearly all comers. The hardest match would be a mirror match and what to side board. Good luck!!!
You may want to think of Cather's Crusade for this deck. Possibly for the Entreat the Angels.
I know what you can do with the infinite mana. Play White Sun Zenith for a million or use Myr Propagator and make all your Myr humongous with Coat of Arms. Good luck! And, yes I do have a Myr deck (T2 only)
Nice idea. Very similar to one I am putting together. You may want to see if you can find space for Shrine of Loyal Legions. It's scary when it is unleashed after Carther's Crusade lands. Good luck
This is my advice. Look up the following cards and try to find spots for them. Mirran Crusader, Knight of Medowgrain, Wilt Leaf Cavalier, Skyhunter Skirmisher, Light from Within, Aether Vial and Kinsbaile Cavalier. Good luck!
Some card ideas for you. Field Marshal, Preeminent Captain, Mirror Entity, Ballyrush Banneret, Daru Warchief, Enlistment Officer and Kjeldoran Outpost. Look them up and see if they suit your needs. Good luck.
Here is a deck that I recently won a tournament with. 4 x Glint Hawk 4 x Vault Skirge 4 x Leonin Skyhunter 4 x Puresteel Paladin 4 x Etched Champion 4 x Flayer Husk 3 x Piston Sledge 3 x Silver-Inlaid Dagger 3 x Darksteel Axe 3 x Inquisitors Flail 4 x Dispatch 20 x Plains One other thing. Sideboard 3~4 Surgical Extractions + removals. NECESSARY, and it stuffs up Ancient Grudge, Snapcaster Mage, Day of Judgement and black kill spells. trade out Skyhunter for Extractions. Good Luck...
Nice start to a soldier deck however I think some changes may be needed. My thoughts are -4 Swordsmith for +4 Preeminent Captain (a "must have" in ANY soldier deck) -3 Hero's for +3 Mirror Entity (Simply awesome) -4 Armorsmith for +4 Champion of the Parish (gets BIG very fast). Good luck.
You should find a massive improvement if you - 2 Geist, -2 Angelic, -1 Fiend Hunter, -1 Mantle and -2 Plains to +4 Champion of the Parish and +4 Honour of the Pure. I know how good Angelic Destiny is, but with a cmc of 4 it's too slow in an aggro deck, Spirit Mantle is the better option. Sideboard some counter spells against control decks.
Sorry mate, I missed putting in the UW lands in setup. Fixed before I read your comment but a good call on your part. Was running all white until recently. Not helpful in the metagame at our local. Lots of UB and UW control. So I thought I would try UW. Mortarpod is side boarded for the other match-ups.
FYI, Sol Ring is NOT legal in Legacy, only legal in Commander and Vintage as "one of only". Sorry, deck slows down otherwise. Still good, not great.
Hi there, useful as this deck may be in it's current form there are some excellent cards that you should look at getting. Knights such as Student of Warfare, Skyhunter Skirmisher, Mirran Crusader and Knight of the white Orchard. An Enchantment card called Light from Within. Instants such as Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares. With these cards in you will be much more competitive with the legacy format. Good luck!
Hi there, some ideas for this deck. Steelshapers Gift, Basilisk Collar, Surestrike Trident and Scythe Of The Wretched. Combine Scythe/Basilisk/Mortorpod and you get a one sided Wrath of God or an instant win if you steel a Grave Titan. Surestrike is a win condition. Yes, I am putting a deck like this together. Good luck.
Unfortunately, you make a very limited use of what is the best new white card printed. Puresteel Paladin is so much better that you (or others) seem to realize. Three cards to bring in are Squadron Hawk, Glint Hawk and Kor Skyfisher. Think card advantage, card advantage and more card advantage. Do some draw testing and add one each of the three swords and Argentum Armor. Massive board position is achievable very quickly. Use the living weapons as chump blockers and bounce them then replay. If Puresteel is out, draw a card. Do you see?
Really need Edge of Divinity in there. If nothing else works brilliantly with Nip Gwyllion. Mourning Thrull is a good card as well with Edge of Divinity as well. You commented on a deck of mine a while back and I have since updated it. Have a look at
Hi there. Think two Galvanizers, one Palladium, one Propergator and a Battlesphere. Tap Palladium for two mana, use one for Galvanizer to untap. One mana left over. Repeat until four mana gained use three to Propergate and one to untap all myr again. Repeat, repeat, repeat, etc for more myr than opponents life. Attack with Battlesphere and tap all copies of Propergator. Win game. Want a better win condition? Add four Heavy Arbalest. Again 2 Galvanizers, one other mana generating Myr and any other Myr. Attach Heavy Arbalest to "any other Myr" and tap for two points damage, tap for a mana and untap all other Myr using Galvanizer. Repeat until you win game. See my Myr deck at Good luck.
I thought about it. The card is called "Join the ranks" and is a 4 drop. Good for a late game build-up but way to slow for the decks I normally face. Also, what to remove???
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