Updated the list to how it was in yesterday's modern tourney. 4 rounds, went 2-1-1, lost against a cookbook combo due to drawing nothing but lands and ramp.[[Pillage]]s not in the list because I keep forgetting to find any from my bulk pile. [[Obsidian Charmaw]]s and [[Trinisphere]]s replaced the 4x[Mwonvuli Acid-Moss] I had - I love my Acid-Mosses but I feel they have to make way for early game consistency. Charmaws are leaving the deck, will either put the Pillages there or... Something else. Would love to try [[Acidic Slime]] but the format just feels too fast for anything above 3-4 mana, even with the ramp available (too many answers that can exile anything going around...)
Contemplating on [[Vraska, Golgari Queen]] or [[Nissa of Shadowed Boughs]] as I already have access to black with the hierarchs and sprawls anyway - Vraska would probably be way more consistent and generally solid (draw + removal), but the potential for dumb things from Nissa has its appeal - also can always go beat with lands if short on threats from draws. But that's a thing for the future, if at all.
UPDATETook out 2x Tireless Trackers and 1x Stone Rain // added 2x Pillage and 1x Verdant Catacombs.I'll try to hit the next Monday Modern at my local store with this setup, see what happens.
Heh, entirely forgot about Pillage. Previously I've preferred Stone Rain as the deck's been vastly more green than red and the double red mana always felt a bit clunky - often uncastable if opponent counters my ramp/fix one way or another (I also tend to live on the edge with the number of lands).Maybe I could try it with this iteration though - if nothing else its Fury food should the worst happen to my own mana sources.
Mmm, smallpox. Maybe switch one Liliana for a Last Hope to give an alternative wincon and a way to bring Voidwalkers back? Otherwise seems like a very workable list - a bit heavy on removal, but that's hardly an issue if you're actually expecting to have something to remove (I usually bump into the problem of no one playing far and thus having nothing I can remove, so prefer other tools in the box. Hence that comment). Nothing a sideboard can't fix, anyhow. ;)
Liking the concept. Is Psychogenic Probe the only reason you're skipping fetchlands though? Because I'm not sure that's reason enough - ensuring getting Gargadon suspended as early as possible along with the additional Gravestorm triggers from fetching would probably be worth taking a bit extra damage, most of the time.
Deck revamped - reanimator side plan removed from main deck for a tighter discard/control plan.
Kroxas added, turning "Blaggro" into "Kroxapox" for theme and name.
To be honest, Baral is pretty much for just that: sifting through the deck and getting stuff I'd rather have in graveyard to the graveyard. Aside from that, it's a blocker and possible extra utility for sideboard shenanigans. I'll admit it's probably not a perfect fit, but I keep trying to find excuses for playing the card outside of Storm and it should do some work here at least.
Mmm, slogurg... Like the card, thanks for the inspiration. I took it a bit the other way, but key elements are pretty much the same - biggest difference is adding a third color for, hurrdurrhurr, Faithful Mending (and a sweeper, felt like the deck could use one).https://www.mtgvault.com/maldaron/decks/slogurg-brew/
Noxious Revival might actually be worth a try as a one-of.
I did consider Sun Titan, but it doesn't really do anything in this deck other than return the priest. This is, as mentioned in the description, just a concept of a reanimator with the gimmick potential of wiping opponent's (and possibly your own, but who cares) lands off the board.Might end up actually building this on paper to see if I can actually get it to work consistently.
Well, if it's basically a list of users who probably are not trolls, I don't mind. As implied, I'm mostly just using this site for brewing decks and whatever I make public I make public so people can take a look if they want to. As long as nothing else is actually expected from me, sure, why not.
Flame Rift was originally on the list, but there's so much self-damage going on that I want to play around a bit first, once I actually get around to building the deck. Really hate the idea of having opponent at 5 and myself at 4 with Rift in hand.As for joining any crews, good or bad... Probably better I don't commit myself to anything as I stop by here fairly randomly, usually when I get an inspiration to brew things. Might or might not make the lists public, depending on how derpy they are :D
Main deck tuned to what it'll probably be during the first test run at the LGS modern tourney. Odds are the deck is a bit too indecisive on if it wants to be aggro or grindy midrange to actually do well, but should be fun! Now just needs a sideboard.
Aye, Raven's Crime did cross my mind. Will have to get a few games in to see where to go with this. Maybe I'll ditch a command in favour of a crime or something - four might be a bit heavy on the toolkit department.
Cheers! I have a bad habit of having my decks go a bit all over the place, but I feel this one might just have a solid enough core for it to not be a bad thing, but actually just/mostly give options and flexibility for different situations.
Deck revamped quite a bit after playing against a Waste Not deck in FNM. Fate Unraveler means serious business, it'd appear. As an extra perk appropriate for the deck, I noticed the mana curve is now giving you the finger.
The deck's purely on planning stage right now, haven't tried playing Waste Not in a long while. Getting it as tuned as possible while working on other decks and getting around to actually testing, heh.Skullhunter might be more of a sideboard option (as it originally was). I figured I should easily get the raid from a zombie attack, thus getting another discard and another creature for the opponent to deal with for 2 mana. Of course, it stops being as viable if the opponent isn't running many creatures, limiting my odds of getting early zombies.Diplomacy of the Wastes I think should be pretty good even without the extra value from having a warrior present; while it's 3 mana, with Waste not it's automatically extra value for that mana plus you get to pick what's being removed. That in between of Thoughtseize, Despise and Dark Deal should give you pretty damn good control over what your opponent gets to play, and the few creatures that you might have to let through you can deal with the removal available.Main problem I suppose is that there isn't a definite wincon as is. Whittling down opponent's life total is one solution, while keeping them from playing anything useful, and then there's Liliana (though not very solid). Sideboard is showing some of the ideas I've been playing with, and probably the most obvious solution would be to go UB and add Ashiok, but for now I'm trying to stay mono black.
Hah, was expecting that the appearance of Dark Deal would spring up all kinds of variations of a Waste Not -deck. Several of the decks seem to be running Murderous Cut AND Empty the Pits, which strikes to me as a bit inconvenient, especially when there's plenty of non-delve removal being played anyway. Otherwise I suppose it's mostly a matter of preference which cards to use and how many of each, as long as there's a set of Waste Not. My version is trying to keep it simple and consistent with simply disrupting the opponent's early game while whittling down their life total before the bomb(s), at which point they shouldn't really have any effective answers to turn the table with.
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