yeah i added white to my original B/U pod deck, but with this deck, it would be fairly difficult because the main way i win is with grave titan and elesh norn, or just swarm them with zombie tokens and elesh norn. i'll try to add white, but it will take me a while to figure out the mana curve and spells
looks good. i would suggest gideon jura. force your opponents to attack, then sunblast everything
Thank you! just added goblin fireslinger (totally forgot about him being able to activate stormblood). i really liked you deck just because it's super fast, especially for standard.
at the moment, i choose not to because i like to achieve my goal of winning already. i may put one in because i can pump it up and gain life like crazy. but the only problem with wurmcoil is, people are starting to adapt to spells that kill wurmcoil easily, so it's kind of a risky move putting wurmcoils into this deck. idk thats just my opinion
you are obviously retarded and dont know how this deck works. this deck is BASED off of Kessig wolf run. if he didnt have red, he would have to resort to birds of paradise as red mana. without a mountain, hes pretty much screwed. you can also use primeval to fetch up inkmoth, kessig, or the mountain. before you go commenting like an idiot, take a look at the whole deck list first.
good deck. i would say add either 1 or 2 more inkmoth and 1 or 2 more wolf run. in standard, many people have been playing with ghost quarter and acidic slime. without inkmoth and kessig, this deck wouldnt do too well. especially if your creatures die to day of judgment, if your lands get destroyed, you arent in too good of a position. also, add more acidic slime in to the sideboard. in the mirror match, you want to destroy your opponents wolf runs and inkmoths. also, maybe a couple of ghost quarters i made wolf run ramp deck today. can you check it out please? other than that, this deck seems very good =)
i can see why you believe the vivids arent great. i think they are good because they can also tap for any colored mana, which is very good especially when i need the colors specifically for zur. ancestral mask is good, but i dont want to have to have that as the only green spell in the deck. Vedalken aethermage is very good for this deck too. Thank you for you comment!! (should i decrease the number of vivids?)
haha yeah. i made this deck just for the heck of it, and also cuz i may buy it depending on how good it is
why thank you =) i really like vigilance. Its been one of my favorite abilities. i really like this deck just because it limits them to one spell (maybe 2). it has a ton of card drawing cards which is very helpful to getting the combo, and i can get this combo on turn 3. usually my opponents lands and creatures are already tapped and when i play stasis, they're screwed and will more than likely lose. And money wise, this deck is very cheap as i already have a lot of these cards
grave titan isnt too great in this kind of deck because your getting 1/1's instead of 2/2's and the zombie tokens is what makes grave titan very good
i use sphere of the suns because it lets me get koth out on turn three, which is very good in this deck. i was thinking about volt charge at first, so i tried it with incinerate, and it worked out fine. thank you for your comment!
thank you for your comment! not many people comment too much, so it means a lot =) thats my venser control deck, just to give you some ideas =)
this deck pretty much seems exactly like a venser control deck. still, very powerful. i think maybe another sun titan and a venser would help the deck just a little bit. i have a venser deck and 4 has been very good for me just because he is usually a target for all removal spells. maybe aa couple sunblast angels would help? it works great with gideon and can work with venser as well. i think you should drop a snapcaster for a sphinx just because in the long run, the sphinx is better in many ways, and overall, is an amazing control card. plus, it passes the dismember test =) other than that, it seems pretty good. +1
thank you! vengeful pharoah is in here because if i discard him with liliana, i can destroy a creature that deals damage to either liliana, or me. how many zombie infestatons should i put in and what would i take out to put them in?
i didnt know that. thank you! at first i didnt know what you were talking about because i just put him in this deck for no reason. =) my tezz deck. hopefully it'll give you a couple of ideas
try spellskite, phyrexian metamorph, everflowing chalice, and/or batterskull. also for land, try creeping tar pit. plague myr is ok i guess.. i wouldnt really put it in this type of deck. maybe 2, 3, or 4 tumble magnet?
i really like your deck, the only thing is is that im trying to keep this modern.
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