Slimming your deck will help you win more often. Instead of having 1 and 2 of so many cards, try 3 & 4 of the best cards. At 4 creatures you can pick 5 types 4 of each and may have better chances of pulling what you want. Or if you want you could build down by mana Cost.. Such as 4 1 costs 3 2 costs 2 3 costs 1 4 cost 1 5 cost and so on. That way you have better chances in early game of pulling your 1 and 2 drops.
any ideas of a white trampler?
I feel the same. I am constantly building theme decks.. Love the stories and when I do mix it up, its just planeswalkers conjuring familier creatures they once met.
I miss the old Theme decks.. At least we get some still in duel decks. Speed vs Cunning, Heros vs Monsters and such.. To me its just not as fun to play without SOME sort of Theme.
Some cards I thought might fit..Crucible of the Spirit DragonDestructor DragonMap the WastesBrood KeeperFurnace Whelp
It looks like your using Hornets nest and Xenigos as Token generators for early game, while using Courser and Caryatid for mana boost.. But I am not sure this will work against a speed deck.. And there are so many speed decks out there.