Esper Nova (Solar Flare)

by Majician on 16 February 2012

Main Deck (61 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Planeswalkers (1)

Artifacts (2)

Land (1)

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Deck Description

My Solar Flare build. This is what I've been sticking with lately in standard, and let me tell you, if you are a controlish-type player that likes to win a lot and you have never run an SF deck, please try it out. This deck absolutely crushes many of the big archetypes in standard.

After experimenting with Esper spirits for a bit and getting put to bed early with no supper by control EVERY SINGLE GAME, I realized that what I was doing was very stupid, and that abandoning my control roots was the worst decision ever. I absolutely love Esper colors, so I decided to get my control back on and mess around with Solar Flare. WHOA. I was immediately in love. After initially creating the deck, I looked at as many other Solar Flare decks as I could, tweaked and tweaked and tweaked, and came away with a build that I think is slightly unique from the majority of the others I saw. This is not a copy of a top 8 SF deck, this is my brew after analyzing Solar Flare and what it sets out to accomplish. People have wildly differing opinions about what bombs to use in SF, so I'll touch on that.

*the Sun Titan package*
Many people really, really think that the Sun Titan combo sucks. Weeeeeell, it doesn't. It is so amazingly diverse and effective in this deck type that it is absolutely an auto-include for me. Sun Titan can bring back 2 Snapcasters, 2 Phantasmal Images (c-c-c-c-c-combo!), 3 Oblivion Rings, 1 Nihil Spellbomb, and 26 lands. That's not including the 5 other cards in the sideboard that he can recur. 8 non-land targets may not sound very impressive, but trust me. It works. Out. A lot.

Auto-include in Solar Flare. No explanation necessary.

*Grave Titan*
Some say you're either on the Sun Titan train or the Grave Titan one. Well, I am on both. Grave Titan isn't nearly as synergistic here as Sun, but he wins by himself. Thus the 1-of. I like having a multitude of different bombs anyway, rather than making it too easy for someone to extract all of my threats (oh, you have 3/4 of the same titan in your deck? I'll pay 2 life, and LOL.)

Colorless. Lifegain. Deathtouch. Intimidate blocking. Turns into TWO separate threats when killed, AKA when you Day of Judgment ;). This card fucking rules so much.

*Phantasmal Image*
What's better than 1 Grave Titan? TWO GRAVE TITANS! What's better than your opponent having Thrun/GOST/Elesh? Your opponent not having one! What's better than playing 1 Sun Titan to bring a land back? Playing 1 Sun Titan, to get another Sun Titan, to get another Sun Titan, to bring that land back! This card is stupid good.

Many Solar Flare players only run 1 Snapcaster. I run so much removal/other instants and sorceries that I feel like 2 is the perfect number. Not too many to where it's a "dead" card (Snappy's never really an actual dead card) more often than not, and not too few that you never see him. He is a lifesaver, anyone that's used him can attest to that. And he's in the Sun Titan package! -Drools- At worst, a flash 2/1 chump is still pretty damn good.

This deck is focused on a variety of ways to clear the board, while digging for a huge bomb(s) and even possibly getting it in with Snappy for the win. If you're familiar with SF, you know that a turn 3 Forbidden Alchemy could POSSIBLY net you a turn 4 Titan/Elesh/Wurm (which, it's important to note, is not always the best play). If not, you just sit and dig and play entirely reactively until you stick one of your win-cons, and then if it dies, recur it, and again, and again, and then copy it, and then kill stuff, and then recur, and copy, and kill more stuff, and copy, and recur, and kill, and if you haven't won by then, you either decked out or your opponent is THE MAN.


2-18-12 After playing FNM last night, I am going to take this deck (with some very minor tweaking, mainly to the sideboard) to my local Starcity IQ. I have a lot of faith in this build! Let's take a look at how I did with it (first time running this deck at FNM!)

2-0 vs Mono Blue Illusions
2-0 vs Mono Green Aggro
2-0 vs Koth RDW (2nd game was VERY close, Mana Barbs and Shrine of Burning Rage almost took me out)
2-0 vs B/R/W Junk Reanimator (had to fight through 2 Liliana's game 1)

then for top 8

2-1 vs U/W control (very interesting match up, all 3 games together lasted almost 2 hours)
2-1 vs Koth RDW (Mana Barbs for his 1 win)
2-0 vs B/R/W Junk Reanimator

First place by a mile :D

As you can see, this deck is almost guaranteed a win against most aggro (RDW included!), and if you lose game 1 then the sideboard makes it REALLY REALLY hard for aggro to beat you. The biggest trouble I faced was against control (go figure), but it always turned into a war of attrition and my deck just lasted longer (even though my library usually ended up having less than 10 cards in it by the end haha.) The 1 win U/W control had against me was by the hands of White Sun's Zenith (great card!), and I just kept topdecking lands (hey, it's gonna happen sometimes if you run 26 of them!)

I haven't had a chance to play this against devoted Wolf Run yet, but I really don't think it will be a very hard matchup. Spellskites and removal spank dat booty. I've played against U/W Delver and beaten it (very easily), but haven't played against U/R Delver yet. Tokens are an easy win for me, and most mirrors I've played have gone in my favor, but I see this probably becoming something of an issue down the line.

I am going to have to alter my SB a bit to be able to more effectively handle control, so any suggestions for that are more than welcome. I am seriously considering Jace, Memory Adept for this role. If that makes you think I'm crazy, then you are actually the crazy one!

Love it? Hate it? Don't understand why it's so good? Don't think it's very good and want to play me on Cockatrice? Let me know! Any feedback is appreciated!

P.S. Yes, it's 61 cards. No, I'm probably not ever going to make it 60. :P

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  • Tournament

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Esper Nova (Solar Flare)

Looks like a solid build, man. Let's see.

4x Mainboard boardwipe, with 0 in sideboard. Against Illusions, Gaggro (like the name? OK, fine.), and RDW, three opponents you have listed, BSZs are very useful. Might want to slip in 2 SB for Sever the Bloodline and... 1x Spellskite? Without Splinter Twin in standard, the only real thing Spellskite does is protect against targeted removal (You run dissipate and Snappy), and get Angelic Destinies against Humans and WW (neither of which are listed in your top decks). I would replace the last Skite in the SB with another Revoke Existence. You never want to be caught unarmed against Tempered Steel etc.

I would normally be meh about the 26 lands; I've found 24 to be the Control sweet spot. But with 2 evolving wilds+1 ghost quarter and 2 Sun Titan, I think you're ok. Plus, you can hardcast Elesh.

I kind of don't like sever the bloodline. The only real thing you'd use it on in standard right now to exile more than 1 creature is "Spirit", and at that point you'd want to board wipe anyway. DoJ, BSZ, and STB are all ~4 mana, and you really only need 4 mana to really take care of Tempo with a BSZ anyway.

Against aggro matchups, I strongly suggest Timely Reinforcements. But that's just me.

Good building! I encourage you to look at some of my recent brews.

Posted 21 February 2012 at 01:15


hahaha Gaggro! Funniest thing I've heard all day.

I appreciate the comment! You raise very valid points, so I'll try and explain my reasoning a bit.

I was initially running 2 BSZ and 2 DOJ, for diversity. What I found is that more often than not, DOJ is far more useful. The ability to turn 3 BSZ to take out some weenies is definitely great, but I am almost always hard-pressed for double black that early, and beyond that it loses most of it's appeal. It does deal with indestructible quite well, but hardly anyone uses any indestructible creatures. Plus, it recycles itself, and usually turns into a 2-of as opposed to a 1-of. Also, DOJ is generally cheaper to flashback with Snapcaster. I personally think running more than 4 boardwipes, 1 of which recycles, and with 2 Snapcasters, is a bit much. I love BSZ though!

Spellskite is absolutely INVALUABLE for certain match-ups. It nearly single-handedly won against RDW (oh, you WERE going to win with that Shrine of Burning Rage, weren't you?) It also messes up Wolf Run quite a bit, which is a deck I haven't played my deck against (in person), but I have played with/against plenty online and Spellskite is an absolute must. At worst, it's a super cheap, intimidate-shrugging blocker which can recur with Sun Titan, which is pretty damn good. It's also good against (as you mentioned) Humans, which are still a big archetype in standard.

As far as Tempered Steel goes, 2 Revokes + 3 O-Rings + a million removal spells usually does the trick. Also, Tempered Steel is not as rampant in my meta as it may be in others, and the decks that are played a lot around here are definitely reflected by my SB.

I was very sketchy about running so many lands at first, but I want to be able to hard-cast all of my creatures and have mana open for hijinks, plus I throw so many away with Forbidden Alchemy that I need to ensure I don't miss land drops. I am probably going to run 25 at the next FNM and see how it fairs. I too am usually a fan of about 24 lands in a control deck, but this honestly needs a touch more. The mana-base is wonky enough as is!

Maybe it depends on your meta, but I have to ask, have you played with Sever the Bloodline before? On the surface it might seem shitty, BUT! It exiles, which answers 1) indestructible (meh), 2) undying (yeh!), 3) things that could be pulled out of a graveyard (Green? Mirror?). On top of it's exiles-beats-destroying advantage, it can hit multiple creatures at once, AND it has flashback. The flashback is extremely clutch! I am so, so on board with this card. It has seriously only let me down maybe once or twice!

I used to run Timely Reinforcements, but most of the time it doesn't really do anything for me. The health gain is nice, but the 3 ground chumps are generally lackluster...Actually, gaining 6 health usually doesn't put me any closer to victory, either. Against aggro, it's usually pretty easy to just deny my opponent of any sort of board, and then drop a bomb and win. Timely just ends up slowing me down for the most part. It is certainly a very good card, it just never really played out well for me in this deck.

I guess I'm done (now that I've written a book haha.) Thank you for the feedback! I hope this shows some insight into the reasoning behind the choices I've made, but you have given me plenty of food for thought for some match ups that I haven't faced yet. Good building to you too, sir!

Posted 22 February 2012 at 23:05


I really like this deck, the one thing I am quite curious about is why you are using Dissipates but no Mana Leaks? I do feel that Dissipates are great in middle game and do ruin quite a bit of spells in standard right now (flashback hates it), but i do feel like mana leak would help more early game, which is typically what Solar Flare decks struggle with. Other than that, I like this build and (having never played a solar flare deck out) might try this deck out here in the near future.

Posted 02 March 2012 at 05:57


I've changed this deck in real life a bit since I originally posted it (mostly changing the SB), but the Mana Leaks are still not there. I will explain my reasoning.

1. My opponents have no idea that I don't run Mana Leaks.

If someone goes up against Solar Flare, or Esper control (because they haven't figured out that it's SF yet), they are already thinking that I have 4 Mana Leaks. Period. People still play around my two open mana (which is really there for a Vapor Snag/Go for the Throat), so I'm basically making use of a card that I don't even run. MINDFUCK

2. Dissipate exiles.

This point can be hit or miss, but I shed no tears when I exile that Ancient Grudge, or Lingering Souls, or Gravecrawler, or anycreatureinyourgraveyardifyou'replayingSolarFlare, get the point.

3. Mana Leaks are shit late-game.

Sure, it puts your opponent back 3 land (and they still get their spell off...), but is that really what I'm trying to do here? No, I'm trying to land a fatty late-game and beat face with it, not stall out my opponent's mana on my turn. The deck has so much recurring synergy that it doesn't matter if the fatty is dealt with a couple of times, it will probably come back. Which is why my opponents then realize how much they would rather have had a Dissipate instead of that Mana Leak they used on my Sun Titan...which I will Unburial Rites next turn for a Sun Titan chain ending with an uncounterable O-ring on their...whatever it is.

Thanks for the comment! I would highly recommend playing with this deck, it has done VERY well against almost every archetype that it has come across (hasn't placed under top 2 at any FNM yet.) The only trouble I've ever come across really is Tempered Steel, and that's because my meta doesn't really have a lot of Tempered Steel players in it, so neither my MB nor SB are very prepared for it. It's just too quick, and Go for the Throats fill my hand with dead cards. I just simply do not have enough SB room for another Revoke Existence and Doom Blades to switch with the Go for the Throats.

Posted 26 March 2012 at 02:30
