One more of those first attempts! My take on EDH using Isperia, supreme judge as my AdmiralGeneral.
This deck needs some serious modification as it's mainly made outta cards I have lying around at home as spares. All advice appreciated, from the fundamentals of EDH to minor details in building an awesometacular smooth-osity.
Only got 1 game behind with it, against a random set of cards in a random EDH deck created only for a test purpose. We haven't tried EDH out properly yet among our group of friends who play MTG. This deck seems to take a serious beating in the early game, then freeze the game in mid, and the late game can be whatever, slow-phased control - or slow phased sucking, don't really know for sure.
Many of these cards are fillers and are only in here for the fun factor, like the types of Mimic Vat, Akroma's Memorial, Lorthos, Conundrum sphinx. I now realise I missed some cards in the building process that would 've prolly fit in here; different counterspells, path to exile, silence, journey to nowhere, invisible stalker, delver, sol ring, and that 1 U/W hybrid 2/2 kithkin' ? rogue chick that let's u draw an extra card if u deal dmg with her and u get life equal to the cards manacost, only to name a few...
I tried to focus on my commander's ablitiy of drawing extra cards, and to build a deck around the dudechick. Some sort of control here and there, draw an extra card, freeze, tho hopefully not totally freezing my opponents game on the battlefield. I really don't prefer such a gamestyle. I like a more aggressive approach, but it would be cool to find a way that would be something in between. I find it hard to build a U/W deck that packs some serious power.
I dunno the right ratio between creature's/ench/sorc/inst/everything, manacostwise, what's useful to have in a U/W EDH deck such as this, manabase fixing, so it was kinda difficult a task for me to build something that would actually work.
In the process I also grew fond of Gwafa, he'd make a cool general.
I'm eager to learn about EDH and what it has to offer, so any advice's much appreciated, as I'm willing to put some more effort and Eugenes ( € ) into this!