Dont you need a minium of 60 cards deck ?
What is your win condition, Titan ?
PLEASE ! can someone answer me, why in a mono B deck some ppl use verdant catacombs, and cards like that ? wasnt better put just another swamp ?
Wow ! awsome deck dude ! great job i love it !
Thanks ESPRcon, your suggestions are always welcome !
Yeah, i khnow but now i think you'r right about the mana curves, thanks for the advice, and about money has i said this deck its just for playing with your friends...
Great ! Thanks for the advice Tallyaeon, what do you think i should put instead these sphixs ?
I've made some changes. removed: 3x Frightful delusion, 4x sphinx, 2x reckless scholar. added: 3x treasure hunt, 2x divination, 2x foresee, 2x wall of frost
Drawing cards (sorcery) that i have: 2x Foresee ; 2x preordain ; 3x treasure hunt ; 4x divination
Another question if i may, cards like: Ice cage, are good in control decks ?
Thanks for the help, i have 4x divination here, i'll add then and maybe more card drawing cards, you think instead of these sphinx some walls of frost would be good ? Thanks for the help !