Waste Not the Dark Deal

by magicviking on 23 January 2015

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Artifacts (1)

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Deck Description

Project deck in its infancy attempting to take advantage of the interactions between Waste Not and Dark Deal. Besides being major hand disruption to your opponent Dark Deal also fuels your Dig/Cruise and if you can chain those Deals then Waste Not can quickly flood the field for you while at the same time leaving your opponent in topdeck mode.

Monastery Siege adds more fuel and can even provide some protecion in Dragons mode. In early tests it showed definite promise. The Walkers are alternate wincons.

The deck plays nothing like the regular UB Control decks out there and is probably the biggest thing to wrap ones mind around when playing it. It can completely take over the board and swarm out of nowhere or it can sit back and blow things up while Ashiok does his thing, all depending on how you set everything up.
Loads of fun to play and something new for your opponent to deal with.

Sideboard is just cards tested and sitting on the fence and ALMOST good enough to main deck. Empty the Pits is the instant version of Waste Not that feeds off the stuff YOU drop in the yard. Whelming Wave reloads a late Dark deal against critter heavy decks. One Vault as a panic button seems to be enough in this deck as you don't often want to completely wipe everything.

Input appreciated as this thing is in its earliest stages...

How to Play

The first couple of rounds are mana fixing time, then drop Waste Not or Chasm Skulker into a Dark Deal. Remove anything permanent that did not get discarded and use Dig/Cruise to locate whatever good stuff is needed.

Note that the timing of when to drop Dark Deal is crucial. Besides the obvious benefit a Waste Not/Chasm Skulker can give you knowing when a particular deck type is about to drop a bomb is key in playing this deck! Running other discard spells makes that easier as you can make notes of your opponents hand content when you get to see it so that you know exactly when to drop one to do as much damage as possible to their plans.

Waste Not can give you everything you need to win but just in case you cant make one stick early enough there is Ashiok to help you out or just a big Skulker that just keeps swinging.

Test changes:
Went to 3 Thoughtsieze and nixed Treasure Cruise to add more cheap removal in 2 Murderous Cut. Found that I needed more 1 drops but that multiple Thoughtseize hurt the life total pretty hard so I'm testing with Despise. Moved negate to SB as it is often dead in game 1 as I normally dont see to many Bile Blights, Anger of the Gods and Drown in Sorrow main decked. Went to 3 Crux to pull it quicker.

Dumped Torrent Elemental as it was too cute by far as all it mostly did was draw an otherwise dead removal card from the opponent. Booted Hexproof Silumgard to test out Ashiok main deck. Desided to test out Monastery Siege as it should help on the inconsistencies with it's looting ability.

Still inconsistent even after adding Siege and its looting so I thought I'd try another Dark Deal outlet in Chasm Skulker and see if it ups the power of both cards. Swapped Dig with Cruise for this test cycle. Despise was kind of a joke as it rarely hits anything I care about, so that is out to.

Nixed Siege, (although I liked it), for more removal but kept coming back to it again as even Dragons mode works nicely against Little Red and other burn heavy decks, currently put it on the sideline to test Whelming Wave. Dig is back in as it is just better then Cruise for this deck. Trying it without Thoughtseize to conserve a few life points, might even try Duress now that it is legal.

Pulled Liliana for Siege to get more draw power and Skulker fuel, added Executioner to the SB as an edict effect and added one Palace for dual land number 9 allowing me to scale down on the Islands played. Negate back in the main as the deck now has permanents it wants to protect.

The deck kinda works, still tricky to pull off fast enough against swarm decks, but hurts control pretty hard and Ashiok owns midrange. Also quickly found out that sideboarding IN a big dude after your opponent boards out most of their removal is a pretty good idea so Silumgar is waiting with Pits in the SB for game 2.

Deck Tags

  • Dark deal
  • Waste Not
  • Chasm Skulker
  • Standard

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 4,224 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Waste Not the Dark Deal

wow very cool combo, you will get good value out of dark deal

Posted 02 February 2015 at 16:36


Thanks, I think Dark Deal is what Waste Not has been missing all this time but only playtesting will tell...

Posted 02 February 2015 at 20:56


i agree, the thing is they can redraw a horrible hand. i might steal this idea from you to try out

Posted 02 February 2015 at 20:57


That is kinda the power of Dark Deal, especially in Standard nowadays with all the midrange decks that spend their first few turns fixing mana and prepping to drop bombs on turn 4.
A turn 3 Dark Deal thrashes all that prep and planning and gives them a random hand with 1 less card in it, can be immensely destructive by itself and add Waste Not and a way to benefit from the ever growing graveyard to the mix and it can get out of hand surprisingly quick.

Early testing shows some inconsistency but further tweaking should likely help with that. The land base seems off and I keep wishing Duress was available for an additional 1 drop...
Post a link to your version and we can bounce ideas back and forth as we do more testing.

Posted 02 February 2015 at 23:23



Posted 06 February 2015 at 23:36


Oooo, love waste not decks!

Another strategy I have seen with Waste Not is to force your opponent to draw so many cards they have to discard. Dictate of Kruphix, Dakra Mystic, Fascination.

Some other cards to consider: Aetherspouts, Rakshasa's Disdain

Also, 25 lands may help you. You really need insurance on having enough mana in hand.

Posted 05 February 2015 at 22:33


Agree on the land base, added 1 more Island to test out Ashiok main deck. There is just no way I'm letting my opponent draw cards for free so that idea is out. Like Aetherspout as a sideboard option though, thanks!

Posted 08 February 2015 at 17:14


Well it's a milling strategy so not really a perfect fit for this deck but ensures that you are up one card and they have something to feed waste not. My friend HATES letting other people draw cards as well, he whines about the all blue mill decks out there.

Posted 09 February 2015 at 22:25


Added Monastery Siege that does a lot of things for this deck but also lets me chuck Dark Deal, (or any "dead" card), if opponent is already in top deck mode. So far I'm loving it!

Posted 10 February 2015 at 01:03


Nice, I love monastery siege! Good work on this beast.

Posted 10 February 2015 at 14:58


Cool deck, I would run some Despise like 2 as an option to side board in against aggro decks due to the fact you have hardly any life gain Most of the stuff you are going to be hitting in this style of deck will be creatures any way especially if you dark deal them into a bomb on turn 3 you will only have the floating mana from Waste Not until the end of turn so you won't be able to downfall whatever they drop.

Posted 18 February 2015 at 18:05


Thanks but I tried Despise and it kind of sucked beyond letting me peek at their hand. Most of the time I dont really care about critters unless they are about to kill me. Wish Duress was available tho...
Oh and my 1 drop removal after Dark Deal is commonly known as Cut, (at instant speed).

Posted 18 February 2015 at 18:30


Sorry I'm late to this party! I love the Dark Deal\ Waste Not combo. I have my own build of this that's a little bit different.

I run a bit more discard, and a couple other cards that make Dark Deal better when you don't have the Waste Not. We obviously want to live the dream of T2 Waste Not into T3 Dark Deal, however, a T3 Rakshasa's Secret is also really good too. 2 triggers of Waste Not and fuel for delve is serious card advantage. It's also another option to fire off after you Dark Deal w\ Waste Not and get the extra mana- 2 more cards and 2 more triggers.... you just can't recover from that.

I also like Fate Unraveler a lot. Good by herself, she also excels when a Deal is cast because now your opponent is forced to draw X cards. Her 4 toughness also keeps her out of most cheap burn range. Although susceptible to enchantment removal, that's one less spell they can aim at your Waste Not.

Here is the link to my build- please don't think I'm deck-bombing a top deck- that's not my intent. I really enjoy the deck, and if there's a better way to build, or sideboard, that's my goal. Also, my description includes all my thoughts on the cards (see Fate Unraveler) so as to not write a book here.


I'm having a tough time with the sideboard though. Agro decks will give this deck fits, so I imagine cards like Drown in Sorrow for the red decks is a start. Although I did have the same thought you did about the switch-a-roo after boarding. Having the sideboard be super creature heavy or super control heavy. Take out the discard package for another angle of attack... Not sure which way would work, but it's worth looking into.

Posted 23 April 2015 at 15:26
