
17 Decks, 66 Comments, 0 Reputation

I haven't played the deck either way, but would Memory Erosion work better than Curse of the Bloody Tome?

Posted 20 March 2012 at 04:07 as a comment on Blue Deck Wins


Ah, yes... Well noted.

Posted 08 April 2011 at 00:58 in reply to #151111 on 5-Color Bringers Mastered!?


Also, may look at adding in Heartseeker- that thing + Brass Squire is ridiculous.

Posted 07 April 2011 at 03:50 in reply to #150868 on White equipment!


Stoneforge Mystic is quite an overpowered card. Didn't realize that before I seen it in this deck. Nice find man

Posted 07 April 2011 at 03:19 as a comment on White equipment!


you may try Sejiri Steppe if it doesn't hurt your mana curve too much

Posted 05 April 2011 at 04:38 as a comment on Landfall! COMMENT PLEASE!


Thank you. I have been looking for a card to replace Obsidian Fireheart for and the Lightning Serpent does seem like the best choice and Hell's Thunder does look like it needs a place in this deck as well. I think I'll have to sideboard the Spitebellows for creature-heavy decks because these other 2 elementals are too good to pass up.

Posted 11 April 2010 at 20:04 in reply to #61054 on Hastely Kill


Nice, I'd sub in Composite Golems for the Rofellos. Or maybe even a Utopia Sprawl (not sure because you can only have it go for one other color- but white does seem like a good secondary for this deck)? Either way, it's looks like a nice deck and it's unique which is always a plus.

Posted 10 April 2010 at 14:55 as a comment on Multicolor victory threw only forests?


Although I do like the deck, I have never liked the do nothing on turn 1 decks. Are there any allies or draw card spells you could do to fix this?

Posted 30 March 2010 at 09:09 as a comment on Ally Mill Deck


Sorry if I'm sort of more than only suggesting things here but this is how I'd help the mana problems with your deck... Really, the mana problems are because you don't have those cards mentioned above...

Lord of Undead for Gravedigger= 1 less mana cost, upping P/T of zombies, same P/T on card
Death Baron for Zombie Boa, Phyrexian Reaper= deathtouch effect still in place, upping P/T of zombies, 2 less mana cost
Undead Warchief for Soul Scourge, Fleshbag Marauder= less mana cost (than Scourge), upping P/T of zombies, lesser cost to play more zombies, no drawback, is a zombie
Dark Ritual/any mana source for Gravegouger and a few other of the spells

Posted 29 March 2010 at 21:01 in reply to #59194 on Dead Rising


Yeah, and the Hunted's are funny as well... your opponent is like "yes 2 3/3s with protection from black, what a tool" *legend rule kills them* "wtf"

Posted 29 March 2010 at 18:25 in reply to #59211 on Legend Rule Kill


Nah, your deck is good- if you say it is fast, then it's an amazing deck, just doesn't look that way on paper... My deck has some hidden secrets to it that I didn't really explain that well... The Soulstoke in a Nova Chaser who champions a Harbinger and using Soul's Fire to deal a direct 11 and 11 attacking (10 Nova Chaser+1 Soulstoke) from one creature is a little hard to see but that seems to happen a lot in-game.

My only doubts about my deck are from how I changed it from my previous, it could be a little slow but then take off on turn 2-3. (my previous deck's main cards were Smokebraider/Hostility/Flame Javelin- worked good but I still decided to change it)

Posted 29 March 2010 at 15:09 in reply to #59172 on Hastely Kill


I'm sorry MxY, but I do not see how your deck that seems like it has late-game powerhouses with no protection to make it to late game is faster than my deck here... mind explaining?

Posted 29 March 2010 at 14:27 as a comment on Hastely Kill


Just some zombies to look at, but I think some of them have a use in your deck (imo the Korlash, Heir to Blackblade+Lord of the Undead combo belongs in EVERY mono-block deck, zombie or not) but yes... those two, Cemetary Reaper, Death Baron, Undead Warchief, maybe even Yixlid Jailer or Helldozer? Just some options for you to look at. Not a bad deck though.

Posted 29 March 2010 at 14:12 as a comment on Dead Rising


Two words, Devoted Retainer. One more word, four.

Posted 07 August 2008 at 00:38 as a comment on Samurai Showdown


I love what Moppies suggested, just a minor fix: the card is called Dash Hopes. And I favor Terror over the Slaughter Pact.

Posted 07 August 2008 at 00:10 as a comment on Mono Black Control


Dash Hopes and more ways to deal damage.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 22:41 as a comment on Mono Black Control


-3 Coldsteel Heart, -2 Scrying Sheets, -1 (or more Gauntlet of Power), +4 Dash Hopes, +3 Swamps

Posted 06 August 2008 at 22:40 as a comment on MonoBlack Control


Dash Hopes is a nice card for black control decks =)

Posted 06 August 2008 at 22:30 as a comment on Demigod Reanimator


Those decks also added blue in the mix for card drawing and counter spells.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 18:42 as a comment on Rage of Magnivore


He might have been talking about Spark Elemental. It's 3/1 for R with trample + haste and you sacrifice it at the end of turn.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 01:47 as a comment on Oldschool red DD


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