Yeah and opinions are like assholes...just because you have one doesn't mean anyone wants to hear from it. I could STOMP the balls off that weak deck in 3 turns!! If you want to hype your crap decks up then go to the forums and post a challenge, otherwise get off my nuts.
yeah that's a pretty good combo for sure, but I'm afraid adding a third color to this deck would only cause mana problems. I appreciate the input always though! I might actually be making a red infect deck soon, so I will definitely keep this combo in mind for that! =]
I actually had necropede in this deck for while, it just kinda got pushed aside due to other cards being added.
Yeah, I like that. I could definitely benefit from adding a late game creature. I am a little shaky about putting in a creature that will be dealing me poison counters though because I play against several opponents who use infect decks. What do you think about Phyrexian Hydra or (*gulp at the price*) Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon? It only costs one more to cast, plus the Hydra is way bigger or the Dragon is flying, etc, etc.. Or maybe I should use the Vatmother in combination with Melira, Sylvok Outcast? ;-)
That's definitely a pretty good card, but I think I would go with Primal Bellow or Unnatural Predation just because of the lower casting cost. Plus the ability to add trample to an infect deck is pretty sick. I appreciate the input always though!! =]
anytime man
Also, some cards I threw in just because I didn't have enough multiples of all the spells I liked to make a full deck. I want to replace the Master of Arms for something else that can do some surprise damage/blocking (like the Benalish Knight)
Thanks man, Great input! I just got back into things after about a 10 year hiatus, so many of my cards are out-dated or have been replaced by FAR better versions of themselves. Isochron Scepter would be an awesome addition! I am still kinda trying to work out how to do the most damage with this type of deck. Thanks again for your suggestions, you will see this deck reflect some of them in the very near future. What do you think I should replace with the scepters??
I really like the Mortarpod + Necropede combo! That's pretty sweet. I am with Rusted and Jingo on this one, Low mana casting cost & pump them like crazy! I like Plague Stingers over some of the other similar infect creatures just because not many of my opponents account for flying. suckers! =] Also, adding trample to an infect deck (which usually works better with mono-green) can be devastating! (ex. Rancor, Gaea's Embrace, etc...just off top of my head) Take a look at my deck if you want and let me know what you think.
Great deck!!! Just a little too pricey for my blood though!! =]
I appreciate your input, however, there are reasons for a couple of the "odd" cards I have in there. IE: Hand of Praetors are nice to get out on 2nd turn when you're playing infect and Dark Ritual makes that happen. Contagion Clasp just does not work, proliferate is way slower than sending unstoppable counters every time I cast infect creatures. Royal Assassin shuts down my opponents onslaught with non-vigilant creatures. Having said that, I do like the Inkmoth Nexus (just can't afford 4 of it) and Mutagenic Growth and Glistener Elf would work well and probably will eventually be swapped in. Untamed Might will probably head to my side board for longer multi-player games. Thanks again for your input. I like being made to think about why I put certain cards in here and possible replacements. =]
I also replaced the Ichorclaw Myr's with Melira, Sylvok Outcast just to screw with the infect decks I'm playing against. Probably should be a sideboard card though.
I've been thinking about replacing the Cabal Coffers with 2 more Dark Rituals, but am not entirely convinced. Any thoughts?
I have most of these cards put together already. The only things I don't have right now are the cabal coffers. found most of the ones i needed +2 of, for 9 cents a piece. Thanks again for the great advice! =]
good advice! so would i replace some of my basic lands with the Catacombs? and perhaps replace the relic putrescence with groundswell/giant growth/prey's vengeance? i will definitely take a look at your decks as well, thanks again!
Thanks for the input and the nice words! =]
I can use all the help I can get...I started with Revised and stopped at Alliances, so I'm just picking everything back up again. Thanks in advance for any and all help!