Oh? I thought I had 4? This must be corrected!
Thanks! I got some card ideas from looking at your deck.
Nice deck. You've got some big beaters here.
Hey thanks. Go right ahead & glad to have given you some ideas. Please share your deck when it's done!
Yeah was checking out the non-vampire cards, sorceries, etc. to see how you complement your theme. Good stuff. I never played EDH but I like how it promotes deck variation.
Yeah, perfect! That's a wicked combo. Good stuff. I did not even know about Killing Wave until you mentioned it. Thanks!
Nice suggestion! Tastes great with the Blood Artist and Kalastria Highborn.
A very interesting deck. Rakdos control! I like it plays against expectations. I agree with the previous comment about putting in a Rogue's Passage to make the most out of those Master of Cruelties. That, the Rakdos' Returns and the Magma Jets look like your main win conditions (enabled by Crypt Ghasts and Liliana). I've never used Thoughtseize but it looks a bit out of place here.
Thanks again. I read your comment and took up the challenge. Sorry, the deck was still on private before but it's public now. http://www.mtgvault.com/maclintok/decks/rakdos-all-in-standard/
Thanks for the feedback, squidfreak. Fixed it: http://www.mtgvault.com/maclintok/decks/rakdos-all-in-standard/Got a link to your Rakdos creation? Cheers.