
19 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

I started my response before you posted the other two comments so this will address both of those.

Absolutely on command tower and Miren, the Moaning Well pull two basics for it.

Would like to work in genesis wave, I'd place it after Batterskull....nvm I already am running the card, couple other suggestions you made fell into this situation. Ha, good thing I caught this, I'd have ended up running two genesis waves.

Darksteel plate definitely. Probably swap this with Batterskull. I still really want to put batterskull in but keeping Trostani around, or just making any creature a wall, is more important.

Rhox Faithmender I feel the same about this as boonreflection. Stronger than boon reflection since it can get pumped in a variety of ways in the deck and then abuse it's lifegain, but weaker since creature removal is just so much easier. Easier to abuse, easier to lose.

Not really interested in anything else you suggested.

Here are cards I think are good options to drop in descending order. First card is the best card to drop.

Chalice of Life
Growing Ranks
Wayfaring Temple
Hour of Reckoning
Beacon of Immortality
Crush of Wurms
Boon Reflection

Those 7 I wouldn't mind losing. I could also do the two below but I think it would take away from the deck.
Elspeth Tirel
Marshal's Anthem

Posted 18 October 2012 at 03:52 as a comment on Trostani


Phantom Nishoba is solid, especially since I already am running Cradle of Vitality. Solid card I didn't even know this specific one existed.

I absolutely want to put Stoneforge Mystic in the deck with atleast one if not both Batterskull and Behemoth Sledge

The only wurm I seriously considered was Worldspine Wurm. It's really solid card for EDH even stronger if Trostani or any token manipulator is out it can be awesome. This is on the low end for things I am considering. Basically everything else is more critical.

Baneslayer: Same deal as Worldspine Wurm only lower.

Knight-Captain of Eos: A strong card, I can see how it can be really strong. No intentions of implementing this unless I decided to focus purely on tokens.

Craterhoof Behemoth: Another card I considered and chose other stuff over it. Similar to baneslayer it falls on the list below worldspine. Worldspine can both finish the game, regen 30 life with just it and trostani, and is just as strong next turn as it it was the turn it came down. Craterhoof is a finisher, it's lackluster if it doesn't win the game.

All the other creatures are good but subpar, some of them would become viable if I went the full token route. Rampaging Bathloths are probably the best thing here for my current build.

The two equipments I already want to run, definitely at least one if I don't have the space. Divining Top falls into the same place as Worldspine. Good card but wtf do I take out for it? Not an absolute must use like Stoneforge.

Processor and Monument were both cards that were in my deck up until the last second. I would love to work both of them back into the deck. Processor less so, could backfire. Would be dangerous to drop for a significant amount without Trostani out and 4 extra mana available. Still could backfire even with both of those.

Not intentions of working any of the instants or sorceries into the deck.

Sylvan Library: Absolutely great card for this deck. Definitely should be worked back into the deck. Thanks to the life gain I can very easily consistently negate the negatives of the card.

Survival of the Fittest: Worldspine situation.

Beastmaster Ascension: Worldspine situation, lower on the list. Afraid it's too situation. Could use some feedback on this. It could easily be a necessity.

Sterling Grove: Worldspine situation

Other Enchantments: Meh

Emeria and Razerthicket: No

Other Land: No excuse for not running these other than the expense.

Stuff to Add: Descending Order of priority
Lands (pull basics for their slots)
Sylvan Library
Eldrazi Monument
Beastmaster Ascension
Phyrexian Processor
Behemoth Sledge
Sterling Grove
Divining Top
Craterhoof Behemoth

Posted 18 October 2012 at 03:25 as a comment on Trostani


Will swap it out.

Posted 26 April 2012 at 05:24 as a comment on Rafiq
