Would love to see a budget Scry + Clash deck.
http://www.mtgvault.com/lycandros/decks/need-a-hand/ monoblack budget hand destruction
You do realize that not everyone who plays magic wants to become pro right? In fact I dislike that kind of play, I much prefer casual. Are you saying I shouldn't use this site?
Yeah, how dare you cater to new and casual players! ??
Tomb of the Spirit Dragon and Radiant Fountain would be interesting for sustain purposes. Cheap and there is a lot of colorless cost and creatures.
Love it, I think I'd find a place for one Flying Crane Technique cause I like it so much.
Damn it! Lore wise Heidar or Zur would be best, but to support Heidar is rather expensive since the lands would almost all have to be snow covered. Zur is too expensive itself. Plus the phyrexian salting from Cold snap and ice age would be cool lore wise. Talrand or Azami would be my other picks. If you use Azami throw her familiar in there as well, very cool ability.
Please tell me you're gonna make a Wizard EDH to expand this flavor?
I suppose, lots of information is needed to supplement even the initial errata.
Love it! Wish they'd bring banding back. Such an interesting mechanic.
Sweet thanks!
Would love to see a banding deck from you.
Urza's and/or Mishra's Bauble for a little bit of draw? Walking Archive is kind of like a three mana Howling Mine but a creature so it's affected by Mycosynth. Steel Overseer?
I agree, taking some of the higher cost cards out to increase the 0 cost artifacts in the starting hand would be very useful. Also worth considering Obelisk of Urd and/or Will-Forged Golem, unless you think Convoke is cheatin the no mana production.
Chameleon Colossus, amazing changeling, $2ish, worth it for just one in the deck.
Beacon of Immortality? Sunbond?
Island Power....already made one for each of the other colors. Wanted most cards to be based on the amount of Islands I had. Not many of those unfortunately. So I splashed in a bit of Devotion.
Mirrorworks? Umbral Mantel for the Metalworkers?
Wish you had room for Deicide so you can say, oh it also kill gods outright. Awesome deck though, +1.
I have an infinite time warp deck with Panoptic mirror as the trigger. Like seeing more than one way to do it.
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