I had considered the Dizzy and the Usher, I'm still testing those, I don't know how much i like them yet, ill definitely take more of a look though. Im not a huge fan of Long Term or of Gamble though for opposite reasons, i feel that the Long Term is often too far out and i would rather just dig for more cards as a whole, and the Gamble, well for me its too much of a gamble, no pun intended. I hate to be hiding one combo piece go for the other then loose one rendering the other less useful, but one could certainly add those, they are great choices, just in my time with the deck they fall short.
Indeed thanks a lot for your input!Wash out is one i've been testing with in not totally sold on it but its one I will keep playing with, its been promising in most tests but in others its been sub par.Skullclamp is really just a fall back for me most of the time, the purpose is twofold though. I run it in case i need to draw and they have something like Ghostly Prison or Propaganda, even Gravity Well poses problems, it gives me another way to draw frequently, also cards like Crawlspace slow the draw enough to where it has proven useful to just kill an excess guy to dig for an answer. I also place it on Edric himself occasionally to get to three power and if they kill him then what the hey i get cards anyway. :) I'd also play with beast within, but most of the time a counterspell deals with the problem before it becomes one but i may just remove the aforementioned Cancel for a Beast within, it seems a fair enough trade in all.And for the Tower, This is gonna be a doosy of an explanation. Ok so even in draw decks i hate the tower, always have never liked it one bit. Reason being that i run big eldrazi, not as offensive creatures but as recyclers. I use them to discard at the end of my turn to recycle a Time Warp or a Throng, as in the mod game i often have the ability to draw them the subsequent turn with my dudes, especially if a Throng was just resolved. I really feel that keeping seven ideal cards in your hand is all you really ever need. I like keeping 3-4 counterspells, 2 guys, and 2 lands. i couldn't possibly need more for that rotation until my turn to do it all again! thanks so much for your input and after some more testing ill update and hopefully it will be even better.