Don't forget these:RemandAnger
I'm using Firefox, /shrug I can just stop the page from loading all of the way.
Dankirk it didn't work this time, it's still redirecting for me :c
In case Dankirk didn't get to all the the decks he may have posted on, tell the page to stop loading as soon as it looks normal before it redirects. That helps as well. I wish we could report members, he did post on one of my decks but I deleted it before the 30 minutes was up after he posted it and that seems to have taken care of that issue as well.
I might try out this deck. I generally don't play red and I have no idea how to even build a red deck, so this might help.
I had Garruk's Packleader and he didn't fit with the flow of the deck. Worldspine Wurm I'll definitely give a try, I like him, and Soul of the Harvest seems interesting, I will give him a try.