yes it is aggro kills this within a few turns because of the lack of counters and creature control add some counterspells or soul removals lose into the roill and trapmakers snare also add path to exile its really nice to play path to exile with archivetrap (free 13 card mill) check out memory erosion and also think of putting in a jace beleren and nemesis of reasons plumeveil is also a very good card in mill just in case you cant counter anymore you'd still have a nice 4/4 blocker on the field in mill every turn matters, make full usage of field control and mill whenever possible i don't see this deck doing that (yet)
i do not like it kick merfolk sovereign out add lord of atlantis (more speed) add aquitects will (for lord of atlantis combo to make all merfolk unblockable) get out puresight merrow and the inkfathoms to add 4 sygg riverguides and as for the rest add what you like remove river cutthroat though and you shud think about adding silvergill adept and merrow reejeray works alot better
no? i want to see some creature removal in here first and some better goblins then its a good deck also i'd think of going red black colored if i were you lorwyn has some nice goblin support check it out check it out
why would you make a decks that only works against one color... especially in a world were most people play mulitcolored...
and yes i read your combo and yess i still suggest sumthin else then paradise mantel
tap, untap, too late you've already lost srr good idea though but needs some work on speed a good idea for some early uber defence would be that new wall from the alara block i forgot the name but it cost only 3 mana (one blue one white one colorless) has shroud and 0/8 since your kinda in the walls thing i would take out the steel walls for that however you'd need to add some one mana drops again hmmm why paradise mantle btw i mean yeah sure good card're playin only twin colored you know...add some orzof lands and such in stead and some good attackers wouldn't hurt in this deck i suggest angel of despair hope i helped
sux...first get a strategy and get in the cards that are essential for it multiple times u have too much useless monsters that have better versions in here this is just sad... start over
were ever you play they're not very good if you win that often XD
not deadly it sucks why on earth do you use worldheart phoenix for starters secondly u use outdated creatures for example keldon goats, there already are 2 mana cost and haste monsters isntead of 3 cost so look for those man volcano helion? well... id see this guy work maybe in a deck that has some cheap burn but... i don't know i don't think u really have a strategy and if you do it's not a very good one -_-
excuse thealextheory please he gets frustrated everytime he sees a deck that isn't tournament worthy XD anywaysss he's right this deck wouldn't make it in GP's and such not in a thousand years but i've seen a few of your decks now and well frankly just excuse thealextheory XD he just finds it hard to believe that not everyone wants to make a competitive deck for big tournament play buuuuuut you should stop coming around calling your decks super great and ownage and all around good and stuff, people like thealextheory can't stand people calling their decks good without having played a big tournament and you'll be bound to get some major insulting comments plus those people will start following you around XD and thats no fun i know just don't call you decks uber anymore
dont go for the stupid sovereign it SUCKS merfolk decks actually arent all that good but theres a combination of 2 cards that put merfolk on first place and several times in top 8 guess what: lord of atlantis + aquitects will/tideshaper mystic srr that is the most efficient way to build merfolk as i said they arent all that good but that combination makes merfolk truly evilll why sygg 4 times? i asked myself that q as well you know cuz its kinda weird to play a legendary 4 times but HAH guess what it works u NEED syg to prtect your little critters till they get beefed up and islandwalk you opponent to death 5 creatures with island walk +2+2 and aquitects will really HURT i mean thats at least 15 damage and not all merfolk ore 1/1 so it cud even b instakill and with sygg its really easy to maintain your field prescence since you can protects your monsters cheap and in opp turn silver gill adept makes for draw power and adds speed to your game so you can easily get the killers out quickly and since they're cheap you really cant go wrong with them i mean u get a monster 2/1 AND a draw thats really not bad i mean its not uber l33t or sumthin but its not bad cursecatcher together with some runsnags in your deck can really mess you opponents game up merfolk can kill but they are limited in options rly if you want them to be competitive it's aggro control merfolk U/W colored so...srr but this is really no good the merfolk deck i have would take this out easily rebuild add some nice perks of yourself(i did 2 i based my merfolk on a 1st place winner and on top 8 decks) anyway this deck is 2 zeta slow
i'm really sorry thealextheory is a bit harsh though but... he is right you have a major lack of strategy these are just lots of creatures and some forests... look sumthin up on the net first to build a kick ass deck a good deck isn't always an exspensive deck so don't worry too much bout that
don't forget riptide pilferer it adds nice disruption to the deck also some bounce would be in place in this deck i don't know about those artifacts though too bad you dont wanna use white in this deck cuz sygg river guide really kicks ass in merfolk decks
don't listen to people that like the merfolk sovereign it sucks, it doesn't give you the same speed that lord of atlantis does and if you really have that bad draws that you cant get out aquitects will put in tideshaper mystic in your side deck or deck
and use wanderwine hub for gods sake to prevent mana screw
and "lots of good combos" doesnt (always) work especially not here choose a play style or choose one type of combo and build a new deck cuz this is horrible even worse then my first merfolk deck :p and that was pretty bad
and where on eart are your silvergill adepts for drawpower O.O
oh and btw most good merfolk decks use island walk from lord of atlantis
he's right you know when you play merfolk you choose a way to play ur deck is just a collection of merfolk cards and wth only 1 merrow reejeray? i run merfolk myself the deck is called merfolk revised and is based on the very few merfolk decks that made top 8s in legacy also u have no creature removal whatsoever also merfolk decks ALWAYS run 4 sygs EVEN THOUGH ITS A LEGENDARY it makes the small merfolks unkillable early game, silvergill douser aint all that good either rly i have to say it does set up a great defence but it can only stop 1 monster for starters and a 1/1 creature is VERY vulnerable early game especially if you dont run enough syg the riverguides my deck fo example revolves around island walk from lord of atlantis and aquitects will or tideshaper to make 1 of your opponents lands island thats what thealextheory was talkin about reejeray and lord of atlantis are a MUST to every merfolk deck oh and also merfolk sovereign sucks, its 2 slow for todays meta lord of atlantis and merrow reejeray have the same +1 +1 effects + a passive effect that doesn't cost mana, this just wont work playtested yet at a official mtg spot? u'll see
use mog fantaics and kledon marouderd rather then the ponsters you already use u need more shocks btw and fire blast is a good card 2 also shard volley is a great card if you do it like that u'll only need 20 lands or sumthin maybe even less so you have more chance for a burn card during the draw dunt use anything bigg keep it cheap it works i had a great burn deck
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