Have you played this deck? Or is it just a theory?It looks really nice, but I´m not sure, that you can win only with one wincondition.Thks for deck idea and answer.
How to play this deck. What is the wincondition here. Thanks for answer
Yeah, but that´s not killing an oponent. But for defence good idea. THX.
And I don´t know, how does work that Guilty Conscience combo. Because you Stuffy doll is now dealing 2 DMG with her ability, nothing more i think. But I´m not sure
I know, that´s the reason why I have sideboard like this. With Order of the Stars you can choose the colour of oponents creatures and redirect all DMG to it. Or the second option is Ghostly prison. It´s only like give me more time and I promise, that I´ll kill you :)Thanks for comment
Thanks for good tips.I am trying to make it not so overpriced. So Sorrow's Path is super cheap and cool Stuffy doll tutor!
Lol, cool deck. But i think, that you have no cards like disciple of griselbrand...
https://www.mtgvault.com/lukiik/decks/clerics-for-carroti/ Tady je odkaz na mou verzi.
já ho mám taky bro
Je to celkem zbytecné. Kašlete na creaturetypy
If you want it in modern, just remove Wellwisher and Timberwatch
I think this deck isn´t so bad, bud is very expensive, look at my version https://www.mtgvault.com/lukiik/decks/aggro-elves/
No problem
OH, that´s the best EDH deck i´ve ever seen
The correct titel is ELVES
That´s kind of deck like in MTG arena. Is it?
I think so too, but playing this deck is fun. You can mulligen....
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