Just that you may want to find some cards you have to make it a little better at holding out till the stage you can use safe or done card you're relying on. In other words, either make it more defensive or more aggressive. Right now it's just standing by and sorting to draw a win condition.
The issue I'm having in playtesting your deck is that you're spread too thin. It doesn't hold up well against early aggression or hard control. While a lot of the cards are fun to play with, few really pull through for you in this nearly singleton format. I would suggest focussing a bit more on what it is you're trying to do. Maybe you don't quite have the cards you need to make what you want to happen work. Look for decks using the cards you like and consider what works for them.Try using magic workstation to solitaire or online a deck to get an idea of how it plays. http://blog.mtgbr.com/mws/Also, you can always download decks for mws through tcgplayer.com by searching through decks (http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck_search.asp) and clicking the mws link on the deck page.
Man, I wish surgical extraction was in standard.
Threw together a Theros-block MonoGreen Pauper.http://www.mtgvault.com/lugiana/decks/monogreen-pauper/
Hasn't played fast enough for my liking in this style.