
12 Decks, 8 Comments, 2 Reputation

7/28/11 removed Assassinate, Brink of Disaster, Merfolk Mesmerist, Smother, and Vapor Snag. Added Contaminated Ground, Keening Stone, Lightning Greaves, Sea's Claim, and Swiftfoot Boots

Posted 28 July 2011 at 16:04 as a comment on Check yoself before I Wrexial yoself!


haha thanks, glad you caught that ;) pimp, porn, they go together don't they :D

Posted 27 July 2011 at 15:42 in reply to #185451 on UPGRAYEDD! - fun as hell


Thanks Betsy! I know about the mighty (expensive!) Urborg tomb, but my wallet is thin so I put in an Evil Presence for now - it will come out eventually. I own all my decks, no wishlists here :)

Swiftfoot boots, Lightning Greaves and Keening Stone are excellent suggestions and I'll put them on my shopping list. Jace's Archivist looks tempting, it will certainly fill my opponents' graveyards with things for Wrexial to cast-and-exile, though I'm afraid it might backfire - I have no graveyard management and my creatures and precious and few, I simply can't afford to mill myself and lose card advantage at the same time.

I have to ask, why get rid of assassinate and brink, when they work well with my tapping mechanic? Is there something better I could use, maybe affects all tapped creatures (oh how I wish sunblast angel was blue or black kekeke)? Thanks for your support!!

Posted 27 July 2011 at 15:35 in reply to #185392 on Check yoself before I Wrexial yoself!


My first EDH deck, blue/black commanded by Wrexial, the Risen Deep! Advice welcome :)

Posted 26 July 2011 at 01:57 as a comment on ADVERTISE!!!!


indomitable angle? i meant archangel but I suppose a darksteel T-square isn't a bad idea if you're a carpenter on New Phyrexia...

Posted 25 July 2011 at 15:06 in reply to #184974 on Better than Porn: Somehow My Greatest Success, Though it Now Sucks Terribly.


It's a funny coincidence that I'd already been obsessing over wurmcoil engines and elesh norns (and was itching to build a new deck) when I fired up the Vault one day and saw Better Than Porn on the front page. Being a lover of all things porn, naturally I investigated. I knew right away it was destiny. :) I love your birthing pod strategy and the combo inspired this:

I opted to go green/white and make sure everything was payable with native mana, however my sideboard has some tricks up its sleeve. Alloy Myr just freak people out even if I'm only using their CMC=3 as a starting point for upgrading to indomitable angle, kuldotha forgemaster and putting out a blightsteel colossus prettttty early. Still, I'd rather make it to a wurmcoil engine a lot sooner.

I'd love to hear your suggestions for making my deck stronger and safer at FNM without... turning it into your deck. :3 Thanks for the inspiration!

Posted 25 July 2011 at 15:02 as a comment on Better than Porn: Somehow My Greatest Success, Though it Now Sucks Terribly.

Permalink <-- my deck

My wurmcoil engine / elesh norn / birthing pod combo deck. It's awesome in casual play, but still having trouble at FNM against "top 8" copy decks.

I feel like throwing money at a deck someone else built and refined instead of using the cards you have and maybe buying a couple extras to build and refine your own deck, is kind of cheating, at the very least, cheating yourself out of the joy of deck building. My first night at FNM a VERY experienced player asked me who built my Myr deck. When I looked at him, confused, and replied, "I did, of course..." he looked at me like I had two heads. I quickly learned everyone in the room was running a copy of a popular deck archetype.

I don't mind playing against these copy decks because it only helps me learn, but I am opposed to people spending hundreds of dollars to buy someone else's idea and win with it. Spend hundreds of dollars on a few booster boxes instead, and countless late nights sorting your cards, agonizing over synergies, and discovering great combos all on your own. I think that's way more satisfying. That said, it's impossible to avoid hearing or reading about combos, or finding out somebody else thought of the same combo you did, and they might have done it better. That's what happened with this deck. I knew wurmcoils and elesh norns were destined to be together, but a shout out to Awz? and his deck, Better Than Porn, which inspired me to take advantage of Birthing Pods in the most awesome way; <-- not my deck, but props!

Posted 25 July 2011 at 05:48 as a comment on ADVERTISE!!!!


glad I could help inspire you! This deck's ramp is perfect, I go toe to toe with fast red decks, howevs, it still gets eaten by aggro with doom blades. i'm thinking it needs a playset of turn asides, but what to swap out?

Posted 24 July 2011 at 20:13 in reply to #180212 on Ancient Deep 2
