Thanks!I have added a 15 card sideboard. It should have some very powerful answers. Especially "Negate", which could easily make the maindeck thanks to the instant-speed creatures within it.
I'd just cut the 3 "Omenspeaker". 8 scrylands should be enough and Caryatid > Omenspeaker. ;-)
If i were to cut something, i would probably cut the playset of "Wake the Reflections" first. I don't like it being sorcery-speed.Also, It isn't a real 1-drop either and doens't work on an empty board. "Experiment One" would be a good fit for a 1-drop btw, if you feel like you need one... :DSecond cut would be somewhere around the 2-drop area. Your curve peaks out extremely at 2, although it should curve out somewhere at 4, because of the ramp.If you hit every land-drop:turn one: or experiment oneturn two: caryatidturn three: 4 dropI'd go -2 "Fleecemane Lion", -2 "Gyre Sage" , because she doesn't ramp immediatly.Maybe consider "Polukranos" at least for the sideboard. He really shines against aggro and is a strong 4-drop.
Surprisingly well. At first i wasn't sure myself, but a deck like this is prone to fast creature rushes. And a Verdict on turn 3 or 4 solves a lot of prolems. It's never a dead card against aggro and only 1 out of 4 times a dead card against midrange decks. You obviously board them out against control, but that would be a tough matchup anyhows. Not sure how to optimise the deck against control really, since nobody in my playgroup tends to play control. xD
I totally dig the deck-idea, but as it stands it is prone to mass-removal. One well timed Anger of the Gods or Supreme Verdict and you will find yourself running out of gas pretty fast.Either protect your creatures with "Rootborn Defenses" and / or get yourself some carddraw. "Courser of Kruphix" is a very strong card, that gives pseudo-carddraw and helps hitting those much needed landdrops. Then there are "Hunter's Prowess" and "Warriors' Lesson". They could get you 2-for-1ed if you don't play it right, but most of the time they should hit the target.Have fun optimizing!
My main advice: Get yourself 2-4 "Kiora, the Crashing Wave". She can either function defensively or generate even more cardadvantage and has awesome synergy with Courser of Kruphix.Also, you don't need THAT many summon-spells. 20 will do (not counting gods). You will draw enough. Trust me. ;-)Maybe a thing of personal taste, but i like "Selesnya Charm" over "Deputy of Aquittals". It gives you way more options. You lose devotion and the ability to flash-activate Ephara as a combat-trick, but that doesn't matter, since she won't be your win-condition in this deck and i wouldn't want to count on her being in devotion-range when need be.Your main win-condition should be "Archangel of Thune" in combination with creatures and lifegain. Therefore +1 Archangel.I've built a pretty similar deck. You can look it up for some inspiration and if you wish: a comment would be much appreciated. :-)
Either way, 3x Sphinx's Rev with only 24 mana-sources seems to be overkill. If you really want to have the card-draws and stay on the creature-heavy side I'd cut at least one Rev for one more Ephara. That would help your mana-curve. Either this, or do as Ginpachi recommends.
Ponder is not legal in Modern.
Much weaker than Overbeing. Especially in this deck, since it doesn't provide cards to itself and Favor of the Overbeing does nothing on it.
Your B/U deck looks pretty solid to me.
Only thing that keeps me from playing this are the 800+ dollars to build this deck. ;-)
I tried to make a deck around Overbeing Of Myth, too. And while I like the idea of having huge card draws, I still feel like you accomplish nothing with this deck. Your only win-condition are those mere 12 creatures which aren't even good on their own. You will more than often find yourself casting Overbeing on turn 5 with only 1-2 cards in hand, because the 1 or 2 creatures you played before got removed by even the weakest boardwipes (Pyroclasm for 2 mana) or sacrifice-based effects or in case of 2/3 of your creatures just normal removal. Long story short: Even if you build a deck around it, Overbeing is more like an "Underbeing". Underwhelming.I would recommend to build a control shell around this idea.-4 Howling Mine-4 Spellbook-4 Robe Of Mirrors-2 Overbeing Of Myth-1 FogShoot for Something like this instead:+4 Dream Fracture+4 Mana Leak+4 Brainstorm (unless you want the deck to stay modern, then go with See Beyond, Divination, Tidings or Foresee)+3 Ordeal Of Thassa (Curves out nicely with Bogle, also good with Selkie)If you have a greater budget at your disposal you can obviously aim for stronger cards such as Cryptic Command.
Doesn't Take out Frostburn Weird either.
Needs Frostburn Weirds.
You should take a look at Omenspeaker from the upcoming set Theros. Also Magma Jet is more then worth noting.
If you really want to rely on Epic Experiment I would cut the Counterspells (which dont work well with it). Also I would go with less creatures and / or creatures that let you "scry" to set up cards for the experiment. I would cut the Dragon and the Hover Barriers to make room for it.And why no "Brainstorm"? It seems like the perfect fit for "Epic E" (again to set up cards for the combo) and you should have it, since you bought the Duel Deck. Did you want to keep the deck legal for Standard?