Gave the deck a few play throughs and it plays pretty good, lots of changes are possible depending on your budget. Some easy once would be adding Jace, Vryn Prodigy and fetch lands, although that would hike up the price quite a bit :( .I personally took out the Treasure cruise since I found having 5 delve cards is a little to much and most of the time you wont have enough cards in your graveyard to exile to be efficient enough with the delve mechanic. I would also recommend silk wrap (not sure if others have suggested it already) as an alternative to celestial flare, if your local meta has lots of big creatures then Celestial Flare is obviously better. I also bumped up the Ojutais Command to 3 since I like the extra card draw/extra counter spell. Its kind like a cryptic command :)For my own list I also splashed black, to add 4x Utter End as some more removal but for that you would need to add fetch lands and Sunken Hollows but again that would hike up the price.All in all pretty cool deck and I love the name :)
So you are saying you are super experienced with modern, well you sounds like an ignorant brat who is jealous that someone else's deck which isn't hyper competitive made it to the hot page, while all the decks you post don't make it there, let alone get more than one comment or like, probably because most of them are just copies of decks that already exists. If you really are someone who has been playing for ages, maybe you should take a step back and look at what magic is, it's a GAME! You are meant to have fun, fun building a deck, fun playing and it's lot always about winning.If Senress makes a deck and is fine with it not being competitive why do you have to keep putting him down, how does that add to the discussion? Who made you the authority on deciding whether a deck is shit or good? How many Pro tours did you win again?Just because someone is less experienced than you doesn't mean that they are shit or that their ideas are worthless. You know how people get better at stuff? Practise and constructive criticism, key word being constructive criticism! Not you saying add this ' expensive card' it's 'better', actually explain to him why he needs it or give him a budget alternative since he wants to keep the price low. All you have done so far is compared this deck to soul sisters, which is deck you didn't even make yourself. This makes you sound like a 12 year old who's spoiled by his parents and always gets what he ask for.I know I'm just feeding not the troll but seriously dude the discussion was over, we agreed there need to be more tags to better reflect what decks are about, but you just had to go ahead and start talking shit again...
Yea I agree that the issue is not enough tags, hopefully the developers of the site will look into this in the future.
Are you seriously defining modern decks as having to win on turn 4? Have you ever watched a tournament for modern, because it sounds like you haven't, most games don't end on turn 4. There are probably thousands of modern decks that don't win on turn 4, are you saying all of those are shit? Are you saying this deck could not beat a single one of them? With a good hand this deck can probably win consistently on turn 7-8 which is pretty neat for a sub $50 deck, if you fail to see this then maybe you should stop replying to budget orientated decks and putting down people who are asking for advice.By the way, I wasn't aware that mtgvault is only for competitive decks and any other deck that is more orientated towards casual players must be labeled as such.. Is labelling it as budget not enough? Does that not give you an indication that this might not be a competitive deck? Do you really expect people to use two out of their four tags just so you know it's a budget and causal deck? Seriously get a hold of yourself dude.
It's a deck made to be played in modern format ?? It makes no sense not to tag it as modern, it's not like he tagged it as 'competitive' it's also tagged as budget so sometimes it's not possible to add the best cards for white life gain since some of them are simple too expensive. You could easily make this deck better by adding Path and Serra Ascendant or fetch lands or other non basic lands, which would certainly make it competitive and closer to a turn 4 win but it would also double or triple the price of the deck making it unaffordable for the casual player.I think what Pushkin, seanL and others have done, simply suggesting cards that are relatively cheaps is much, much better than simple going 'it's to slow', 'it's a worse version of souls sisters' and not giving constructive feedback. Remember that not everyone is an expert in mtg, and some people play this game simply to have fun with their friend. I think some of you need to realise that and respect that.
@puschkin great commented, lots of good information there :D@xerhero just because there is life gain in the deck doesn't mean it's a souls sisters copy... Get of your high horse.
Ohh I havent looked into Sylvan Advocate but it looks like it would be better than Den protector as a simple creature, only thing is we would loose morph ability from Den protector which I have always found useful to bring back kozilkes return or one of the land fetch cards. Will give it a try though :)
Could replace Divinity of Pride with Serra Ascendant but that would drive the drive up heaps :/ . Otherwise it looks like a solid deck.
I reckon keep 4x mox opal since it powers arcbound ravenger and cranial plating.