
1 Deck, 27 Comments, 0 Reputation

Interesting. mixing with white may not be a bad idea, especially if you want to add like soltari monk into the mix with quietus spike (It has shadow) But you said this is type 2, so there goes that, nontheless I like it. (I play casual only) Hooray for counterspell and arcane denial. Unsummon is not a bad card, it can be very useful, especially if you attach it to a isochron scepter, yeah yeah I know i know type 2 type 2...

Posted 07 October 2010 at 13:07 as a comment on MONO BLUE UBER-CONTROL


I foresee this deck having some land problems.... other than that, it looks very well off, besides the fact that has 99 of the same card, but were not going to talk about that right now.

Posted 07 October 2010 at 13:00 as a comment on I am bored


You're referring to Heedless One, costs 4, its life and toughness are equal to the elves in play, and it has trample. Yes Jagged-scar archers are also nice. I use defiant elves, and treetop scouts in my mono green elf deck, I use alpha status to boost them. Some people like to think a single color can't stand alone, I like to prove them wrong. And then of course theirs the wrath of god and damnation, day of judgement, the list goes on, just need to be careful and be deck is something like this:

first turn: forest, llanowar elf, or fyndhorn elf They both do the same thing
second turn: another forest, defiant elf, tolara's battalion
third turn: (Forest, possible wirewood lodge If I had another land) alpha status on defiant elf, attack
fourth turn: whatever comes up, immaculate magistrate, heedless one, wellwisher, treetop scout, Coat of arms.

Yeah its kinda like that.

Posted 07 October 2010 at 12:56 as a comment on 300 elf style


Interesting, i've never actually played a relentless rats deck. It seems like it would be powerful, eldrazi monument is also a very powerful card indeed, stupidly powerful in my opinion, but hey that's why its a $10 card. Coat of arms wouldn't be terrible in this deck, more of a sideboard card like stated earlier it could hurt you more than help you, like versing a fast elf deck, you would not of course play the coat of arms against an elf deck (Yeah I got an elf deck, moving on) The only thing I might try in a deck like this are some royal assassins, perhaps some jet medalions to help reduce the costs of the rats themselves, maybe cabal coffers, but the crypts work well with the whole eldrazi monument sac mechanism, and if a liliana is played, well all the better. Thrumming stone is an excelent card in this deck, definitely key to pumpin out more rats. As for door of destinies, well, its alright, coat of arms is far superior in power than DoD because by the time you have enough mana to play Dod or CoA, you should already have 5 or more creatures out in play (Well, that's an elf deck, nontheless, With all the creatures already out, it would be much wiser to play CoA rather than DoD in *That* situation, I run 2-3 CoA in my elf deck, usually 2. If there was a way to splash green in there, you could use alpha status, another stupidly powerful card, in my opinion. But that would require an entire change, where as this deck here has a very nice assortment of combinations to work with one another. Any other suggestions I would of course add are Dark Rituals, maybe howling mine, but the thrumming stone probably takes care of that doesn't it.

As stated before, never saw one played, do tell me how it plays, i'm very interested in the results.

Posted 14 September 2010 at 12:06 as a comment on Relentless rats


Could use goblin grenades. 1 red mana, sac a goblin, 5 damage to target player. could just use flamestrike instead of flame trap, it costs 1 red mana, thats it, flame trap is really not that great a card.
Fireblast is also a great card for burn decks, sac 2 mountains instead of paying the 6 mana cost to deal 4 damage to target creature or player. Use this card with reverberate, tap the 2 mountains then sac them use the 2 floating mana to copy fireblast and deal 8 damage total, awesome...

Also flame rift is cool, 2 mana for 4 damage to each player.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 15:06 as a comment on Standard - Burn Deck


Unfortunately the Equilibrium and gilded drake combo doesn't work as many think it would. When you have Equilibrium out in play, you pay the 2 mana for the gilded drake, then and only then can you pay the 1 mana for equilibrium's ability. Equilibrium states, that you can pay 1 mana when you "Cast" a creature spell, not when the creature comes into play, therefore, since the gilded drake is not in play it was just "cast" you cannot target the gilded drake. However, this combo is possible when you play another creature spell later, and target the gilded drake and return it back to your hand. You just need another creature to help out, 1 for a 1/1, ornithopter, phyrexian walker, whatever.

Posted 04 September 2010 at 16:52 as a comment on Overtake Grandeur


Looks good dude, if you're interested there's a elf called fyndhorn elves, they do exactly the same thing as llanowar elves.

Posted 03 September 2010 at 20:28 as a comment on Elf Tribal


yeah shadow decks are cool, the only problem as you've said earlier is that you need blockers to block physcial damage. Wall of souls=Nice choice. Will o the wisps are cool too.

Posted 28 August 2010 at 13:13 as a comment on Shadows of the Past


Lake of the dead may be a good way to get fast mana, just a thought

Posted 28 August 2010 at 13:02 as a comment on hatred


I like it the only thing that might be worth adding in my opinion is coat of arms, its kinda pricy but works well with the elf theme. However it works on other creatures too, say your opponent plays goblins etc. it gives the boost to them as well, but overall i like it a lot.

Posted 28 August 2010 at 12:53 as a comment on Old School Elf


I like it, could use Urza's armor to prevent the 1 damage but it costs 6 to play. Just a thought on how to redirect the pestilence damage. Overall I think its good.

Posted 27 August 2010 at 22:31 as a comment on Pestilence


arcane denail
mana leak
rune nag

Just a thought, get rid of those canels with good old counterspells, or with arcane denials (Read what it does) You can always counter a low casting spell of your own with arcane denial so you get to draw 3 cards the next turn.

Posted 27 August 2010 at 22:25 as a comment on UW Control


I see a lot of high casting spells in this deck, if I were you i'd think a little differently about how it goes together. Burst lightning? really? hmm, if this is a type 2 deck or something then fine. however, Burn decks need to be fast, and card acceleration is nice too. lightning bolts, nice job their, lava spikes are cool too, lava spike (R 3 damage to target player) Flame rift: (1R 4 damage to each player) Fireblast: sac 2 mountains instead of paying the 6 mana cost to deal 4 damage to target player (A nice card towards the end of the game when you have plenty of mountains in play. Tap the two mountains for mana, then sac them to play fireblast and boom 4 damage along with whatever you spent the 2 red mana on for tappiong the mountains) Some other cards off the top of my head, hmmm flame javelon, char, uhhh, another card kinda like lightning bolt but it has a suspend 1 on it. (Cant remember name, oh well) Howling mine: (2 Artifact, each player draws an additional card during their draw step) Good card accelleration, the bonus is given to the opponent as well but who cares, YOU have the burn deck. Lich's mirror is interesting, i'd really only run two of them myself, if I even wanted to, but wheel of fortune, and browbeat work well too. WoF and Browbeat are some good red card acceleration. Could put in a few pyroclasm against aggro weenie decks. Or even flamebreak, (sideboard) get rid of arc blade, no real reason for shocks when you got the burst lightning. but hey not everyone has a large assortment of cards at their disposal. Maybe even some mogg fanatic. nevertheless, good luck with your deck dude.

Posted 27 August 2010 at 22:16 as a comment on Lich's Burning Mirror - Extended Version V2


Overall the deck is very impressive. The only thing that I myself might try are some hymn to tourachs for some fast discard and animate dead instead of rise from the grave. Animate dead costs 2 to play, enchant a creature in the graveyard, the creature comes into play under your control however it comes into play with 1 less power, but still 2 for a creature is pretty good in my opinion plus you'll have plenty to choose from, from all the power house discarding this deck can lash out.

Good job.

Posted 24 August 2010 at 19:20 as a comment on Liliana's Specters


megrims are old, get 4 liliana's carress( i think that's how its spelled) Nonetheless, it does the same thing as megrim however it costs one less to play

Posted 24 August 2010 at 19:05 as a comment on A Real Discard Deck


Interesting, may want to look into liliana's caress instead of the megrims, it does the same thing but it costs 1 less to play, also hypnotic specters are good as well may be worth looking into for your deck.

Posted 19 August 2010 at 20:19 as a comment on Discard deck


no wellaishers, skyshroud poachers, heedless one?

Posted 18 August 2010 at 16:41 as a comment on Elven Nation


I agree, way too many phages. i'd take out a couple phages, and also a couple plague winds, add 4 dark rituals. You could also think about diabolic edict, cruel edict, and chainer's edict. they each cost 2, target player sacrifices a creature, just a thought.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 16:38 as a comment on Creature destruction


animate dead, coosts 2 mana, gain control of any creatue in any graveyard, it comes into play with a -1/-0 counter on it.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 16:32 as a comment on Jerk Deck


*claps hands* Hooray! a good burn deck! But yeah ivory mask....totally messes up burn decks.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 16:25 as a comment on burn burn burn


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