The basic plan is simple enough. I can either summoner's trap at instant speed into whichever fatty pops up, done as early as turn 3, or cast a Primevil Titan. Also however, if the game runs late, due to Days of Judgement or Consume the Meek, I can also easily fetch them from my deck with the eyes of ugin, and hard cast them.
I took this deck to the Kentucky State Championship. I took 13th place out of 143 people. I went 6:2, beating Valakut mana ramp 3 times, U/W control once, U/G/R control once, and getting 1 bye. The only decks I lost to were White Weenie in round 3, and Mono Black Control in round 5.
Updating this to say that I just took it to a 20 person FNM (1/28/11), where I took first, finishing undefeated. I played against U/B control, U/G Turbo Land, U/W control, and Valakut.
Observations as a whole, both my own, and my opponents are that this version is generally faster and more consistent than the standard version of mono green eldrazi ramp, despite the slight vulnerability to creature removal. If you look at the bottom end of the curve, you'll notice that it's basically all 4 of's, with the exception of Fog and Garruk. The deck runs 16 mana producers, and 4 Sylvan Rangers to fetch mana. This seems like a lot, but it is to compensate for the likelihood that some of them may die, for which I have others to take their place.
I will note that running that much "mana", this deck can draw up the hands that are all the low drop creatures, with no action. I find that this scenario isn't actually terrible for me. Granted, I prefer to have any of my 8 six drops, Garruk, or even an Eldrazi to ramp up to, but that doesn't always happen. What does tend to happen though, is that over the course of the first few turns, I'll draw into something: 8 six drops, 5 eldrazi, and 2 Eye of Ugin. Almost any of these can either end a game by themselves, (any of the eldrazi) or directly contribute to it, (Summoning Trap and Primeval Titan).
I invite people to pick holes in it as often as they like, but I also encourage them to proxy it and run it against their friends. It's consistency is both astounding and frustrating to most of my opponents.
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
I'll also note that I have yet to lose a match, note, I mean match not game, to either Valakut or mono green eldrazi ramp.