The biggest downside of going Kozilek over Ulamog is that I'd lose the "Indestructible" part of it. Of course, I'd have to pay the mana for it to draw me some cards. Thus, playing Ulamog seems a better choice, even if I still think I'm lacking a bit of draw in there.Primal Surge could be a lot of fun ! For me at least...
Wow, I missed that one. I'll definetly include it over Where Ancients Tread.
Why not consider Elvish Piper ? It would fit in pretty well.
Oh, I see what you mean with Angelic Chorus. I still think I'll use Trostani as she can populate. I'm planning on adding Akroma's Memorial as you suggested.
I thought about Xenagos at first when building this deck, but I ended out removing him for something else. I can't remember what it was, but I wanna test this before considering him again.I don't really see the point of replacing Akroma, Angel of Wrath with Serra Avatar. I see the combo that there would be with Serra Avatar and Akroma's Memorial, which is a card I am considering to add as one of my friends suggested it to me as well, but if the combo isn't there, Serra Avatar won't do much as it isn't Flying, Hexproof, Trample, Indestructible or Protection from something. It'll get dealt with easily compared to the angel which has some built-in protection.I think that Trostani has a better healing potential than Angelic Mercy in my deck and, as you mentioned, I can also play her for her populate ability.I don't think that Nykthos is that good, but it isn't that bad either. I only need two big white or green creatures and it can produce a lot of mana.I am not convinced at all by birthing Pod and I'd like you to go further in your explaination about that card choice.I still don't know what to choose between Asceticism and Privileged Position. Both are really good for what they do and I think they could both be efficient in my deck. Still, Asceticism could be a better choice.I love Omnath, especially in mono-green, but I don't have enough green mana to add it, as you said.I appreciate your help as it is formulated in a constructive way. Thank you !
What about Whispering Madness and Otherworld Atlas ? These would combo pretty well with Notion Thief and empty your library pretty fast. Whispering Madness with Notion Thief and Reliquary Tower creates some kind of void that annihilates your opponent's hand and makes you draw a mother load of cards.You could also use Sphinx's Revelation to draw a precise amount of card and make sure you get your Laboratory Maniac before you deck yourself out.
He's already in there !
I am building this deck to play with my friends and I told them about this card. They thought it was powerful, but they said that they also had a bit of those kind of win conditions in their decks. It did not bother them to let me add it in there.Other than that, you might have a point. This card could be consider to go against the spirit of casual EDH.
Got rid of it. Thank you !
Haha ! Thanks for everything.
I am building this deck to have fun, but if it never does anything, there won't be any fun. I am by no mean building this to crush everyone.
I know, but I like this one in particular because these two colors are the best to either exile or destroy big creatures.
Hamletback Goliath, Rampaging Baloths, Darksteel Plate and Sword of Light and Shadow are really tempting.
Checked out the cards you suggested and I might add them all. I didn't think about the bracers at first, but it'd be really good.
I've never played EDH before. I'm not sure if this would have a shot or if it would be total garbage.
He probably wants his deck to remain standard...
I don't know if it's worth it for 6 mana... A Pillar of Flames gets rid of it pretty easily.
Why Flayer of the Hatebound ?
Something told me you'd like it...
Thanks guys !!!
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