Best Game: vs Valakut.
hand draw: Darkslick Shores, Darkslick Shores, Island. Memnite , Memnite, Sphere of Suns, Mox Opal.
I lost the row.
Opp> Played Raging Ravine
I drew a Jace, the mind scuptor, played darkslick shores, cast both Memnite, Cast Mox Opal all for 0. tap Darkslick shores and mox opal for 2 mana and played Sphere of Suns.
Opp> played a mountain and cast Explore, and played a valakut from explore.
I drew a Stoic Rebuttal, played the second Darkslick Shores and cast Jace, the Mind Scuptor, looked at the top of my opponent's library and put his green titan away and attacked with my Memnites
Opp> Played another valakut and cast Harrow, sacrifincing his Ravine and getting forest and mountain, played a explore casting another Ravine and passed the turn.
I drew tezzeret, played my island , played it, transformed Sphere into a 5/5 monster, and took a summoning trap from my opponents top. attacked for 7 and passed, lefting my opponent at 11.
Opp> Draw, and played another mountain, cast inferno Titan, killed one of my memnites and passed.
I drew an ichor ws and cast it drewing another Memnite, cast it for free and bounced my opp titan with Jace TMS, transformed my mox into a 5;5 and attacked with my team for lettal damage.
nice hum?
if I had done a sideboard and this was a 3 match game I would sideboard 4 Spreading Seas and took out 2 Spell Pierce and 2 Wurmcoil Engine.
A dream Hand: 2x Darkslick Shores, 2x Memnite, 1x Mox Opal, 1x Sphere os Suns, 1x Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas.