
0 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Drop the doomsday specters for Shimian Specters. Words of Wind hurts you more then helps you because you have to return your own permanents as well, I would swap them out for Mindslicers to truly exploit Waste Not. It is a spin on the wheel of anarchy if one dies but the results are only in your favor, especially if you have 2 or more Waste Nots out. I'd pull the Psychatog for Liliana's Caress. I understand you have Invisible Stalker for the conspire ability of Whispering Madness but when running only 3 unblockable creatures the probability of the combo is weak. I would look into Needle Spectors and possibly a Hatred or 2. Most people will not want to block the Mindslicer so Hatred would work awesome. Hatred on Needle Specter also either dumps a hand, or weakens a strong blocker. Whispering Madness conspired on Mindslicer is just evil as well. It makes one those situations of do I want to cycle my hand or lose it and with waste not and Liliana's Caress on the board it makes it a "disappointing" choice of your opponents either way. By using the waste not to full potential your mana generation will be silly so the higher mana curve in the deck should be irrelevant.

Posted 09 July 2014 at 15:14 as a comment on Disappointment
