
by LordStrongpaw on 13 January 2010

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Deck Description


Ok so, main aim here is to give things flying and shoot them out of the sky . Maybe pack an extra punch with greatbow doyen(s) in play.

Even if you don't get to give things flying the creatures should be good enough for ground defence or attacking across an open field.

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Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 1,362 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Archers!

You may be able to repeatedly remove their creatures (if very inefficiently) but you have no way to win beside attack with a swarm of innefecient elves, that have no pumping whatsoever. Try adding Cloudthresher, seeing as you have so much mana acceleration. Try adding a few less archers, as you don't need to focues entirely of killing flyers. Maybe elvish champion, elvish promenade. I would take out Phyrexian splicer because you don't have any flyers and chances are they won't be playing any if they know they're just going to get raped. you also need some removal. Try lignify or snakeform. If you wanted to splash blue for more flying and effeciency, try arnjlot's ascension or clowd of feathers.

Posted 13 January 2010 at 20:29


I like the idea. Its the ultimate anti-flying deck and is pretty good otherwise if you get greatbow doyon in... Its not particularly effect, but its definitly fun! +1

Posted 13 January 2010 at 21:29


Stealthyturtle, you are obviously missing the point of this deck. +1 from me.

I tried to make some archers a while back, and I used Greatbow Doyen, Lure, and Brigid, hero of Kinsbaile.

Posted 13 January 2010 at 22:55


I like the idea and gave me a great combo idea for my elf deck.

Posted 14 January 2010 at 00:57


@stealthyturtle: - Phyrexian splicer doesn't need a creature with flying to target to give target other creature flying, if you check gatherer it's in the rulings. Also neither Lignify nor Snakeform would require me to splash blue....

@gocubsgo: - The way I see it, in the absence of greatbow doyen I can just use phyrexian splicer and/or power matrix on my creatures and waltz to victory (they won' have any flying creatures to block with that's for sure)

@RoughneckBarbarian: - I like the use of Brigid but I'm trying to keep it in the elf just so my Jaggedscar archers perform their best, also it keeps it in green, but that's a painful combo to see.

@Khous0825:- What's the combo you liked?

Posted 14 January 2010 at 05:24


Check out my old archer deck, I think you'll find some similarities

Posted 06 February 2010 at 10:22
