
6 Decks, 11 Comments, 4 Reputation

Keep an eye out for that cat king dude coming out in Born of the Gods!

Posted 27 January 2014 at 04:38 as a comment on Cat Equipment EDH


Yeah, that's another Scion reanimate deck. Ho-hum.

I am unsure whether you are trying to make a competitive EDH deck, or you just want to make a Scion deck. I'm going to assume the latter since there are better reanimate archetypes than scion in EDH.

-Not sure why you have the Myrs - there are way better mana fixing cards.
-Slumbering dragon is rarely any good in EDH unless you know you're fighting a token army deck.
-Vraska doesn't fit.
-I'm hesitant to add as many single target kill cards as you have. They usually aren't much help in multiplayer EDH - I often find you're better off focusing on your strategy. Consider adding board wipes instead.
-If you're doing reanimate (which is really your only option with Ur-Dragon) then I would add stuff that sends creatures to your graveyard like Buried Alive.
-Use Rage Reflection instead of Silverblade Paladin if you want double strike.
-Hatred is a huge dick card. Don't use it unless you really really REALLY want to win.
-The tutors are also kind of dick in EDH. Consider swapping them for friendliness reasons.

I would consider add Dragon Broodmother, Scourge of Valkas, Stormbreath Dragon, Hoard-Smelter Dragon, Knollspine Dragon, and Steel Hellkite. They all have been very good in the format from personal experience.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 22:30 as a comment on Scion of the Ur-Dragon


In my personal experience I consider dropping Shadow Lance down to 2 or remove them completely. They are very good, but not so much when you have multiple out at once. Additionally if you are going for an anthem type theme then I would avoid single creature pump stuff like auras. So far I've mainly only found Shadow Lance to be worth it in a B/W lifelink deck.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 21:56 as a comment on Death's Reap


To be quite honest this deck is a mess. I've seen many better Simic decks in standard than this, let alone one that is extended LET ALONE one that is freaking legacy.

All I see is a bunch of counter interactions that don't really go anywhere.

If you want Simic abuse I suggest looking at cards like Lorescale Coatl and Blessings of Nature. You also definitely want two more Fathom Mages and Bioshifts, and maybe also two more Give // Take and less overall creatures. Fathom Mage and Lorescale Coatl have lots of opportunity together. I would probably also add Aqueous Form as it would help immensely getting a winning swing in - plus the scry never hurts.

I would take out the Boots, Eternity Vessel, Trees, and Forgotten Ancients for sure. The boots aren't really necessary, the Eternity Vessel is an overly high cost control/landfall deck card, the Tree is just pointless, and Forgotten Ancient is too slow outside of multiplayer.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 10:34 as a comment on Simic; how it's done


This deck is lacking a theme, other than maybe 'look, it's Ruric Thar! Oh hey a bunch of creatures!'

But hey you have a playset of Prophets. That will get you places.

I would replace the Frostburn Weirds and Beetleform Mages. Neither of them are particularly good. Also I don't feel you have enough cards that utilize +1/+1 counters to justify using Kalonian Hydra - for that you would want to go full simic or make a hydra deck with stuff like Mistcutter or Polukranos.

If you are basing your deck around Ruric I would probably go for green red devotion with Nykthos if you can get any. I hear that gruul dual color shaman is great with Nykthos.

Good luck with your deck!

Posted 26 January 2014 at 09:56 as a comment on Ruric's RUG


I like the concept - very Johnny, plus points for using a new unreleased card - but the combo itself seems very difficult to pull off. Everything seems too fragile, unreliable, and slow. This deck definitely needs stuff like Demonic Tutor.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 09:40 as a comment on Pain Seer combo(modern)


Rheonotic is correct. Under normal EDH rules a card's color identity cannot be outside that of the general, and a card's color identity is defined as any and all mana symbols that appear anywhere on the card itself - including split mana symbols - with the exception of:
-Reminder text (a mono black extort card, for example, does not count as black and white)
-Actual words (such as 'red' or 'mountain')

An example of this is Reality Twist: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=2530
Even though it is a mono blue card, it's EDH color identity is in fact all five colors because all five mana symbols appear on the card itself.

However EDH is indeed a casual format and so you can expect different groups to allow different house rules.


As for the deck itself it seems pretty decent and well on its way although you are somewhat putting all your eggs in one basket with auras, a dangerous tactic in EDH games depending on the group(s) you play with. Indestructibility and totem armors helps immensely with this though, and I would suggest getting your hands on some more enchantment tutors so you don't get blown out while you are setting up Uril. A big indestructible Uril with trample that will only get bigger as the game goes on is very frightening.

On that note this deck feels a little bit short on threatening auras - I would suggest more things that give trample, lifelink, and/or large +1/+1. Celestial Archon, Boon Satyr, and Nylea's Emissary are good examples from the recent Theros set - plus they come out as creatures if your dude dies. Hopefully we will see more good bestow cards with future sets in the Theros block!

Assuming you could find better alternatives I would take out Sunforger (too little targets), Mul Daya (only good in a deck extremely heavy with lands and creatures), Mirri (a small nearly vanilla creature), Wild Nacatl (small vanilla), Kird Ape (same problem), and Lightning Helix (doesn't really fit the deck).

If you were willing to get really brutal with deck cutting then I would also take out Lighting Greaves, Essence Warden, Downdraft, Madcap Skills, Trollhide, Naya Charm, Hammer of Purphoros, Titanic Ultimatum, and maybe Teeka's Dragon, Jareth, and the Myojin.

Basically Uril is a house and if you protect him then slapping some big enchants on him is pretty threatening. Other cards should merely support this - card draw, mana ramp, you name it.


Hope this helps!

Posted 25 January 2014 at 08:00 in reply to #429701 on Uril, E(nchant)DH
