Thanks for your input. I played with Crucible of Worlds but it was not so useful as it seems in this deck. If i put it back in the deck, what to take out?
Well done, i like this deck :)
This are not a burn deck, sorry for the mistake :(
Dont own any of them, Death Baron are on my wish list. Thanks for your input mate ;)
Black Vise are not restricted anymore :) Else thanks for the comments
Haha i dont know why it is in this deck, i have never used it anyway.
Looks good but how it works with only 18 swamps? You can also use Unearth to get your Big Game Hunter back in play from your graveyeard.
I would add Shared Triumph to boost your soldiers and 2 more lands. Maybe a Sol Ring too.
Yes but my budget dont allow me :(
I see, thanks :)
No changes??? ok thanks for your input :)
Well it is not the fastest deck in the world. Essence Warden normaly gives you some live back when you can start make tokens in turn 3 or 4. Selesnya Evangel + Essence Warden + Fists of Ironwood make 3 tokens in turn 3, Muraganda Petroglyphs will boost them in turn 4 with +2 +2. mostly you will have around 12-14 +3 +3 when you kill you opponent, if you have Coat of Arms in play at this time... well you normaly wins.
Thanks ANON, i see Intruder Alarm will be very good in this deck :)
Thanks , why did i not think of that myself?
What is the cost for this deck?
Maybe add some white in the deck, you could add Leyline of the Meek to boost the tokens. Soul Warden could help you with Bitterblossom so you dont lose any life.
If i was you i would play with 4 Bitterblossom and 4 Oona's Blackguard. Else i like this deck.
Can i say this deck is to powerful if you allow to play with 4 strip mine and 4 Crucible of Worlds? What about add some Crop Rotaions to find the mines in your deck?
I have looked at it and it is great but it also have a much higer budget than this.
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