I have been working on this deck for a while. The main theme is to use counter abilities. However, the synergies do not seem to be working properly. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.
Non-Budget Additions4 Arlinn Kord3 Titan's Strength4 Atarka's Command4 Avacyn's Judgement4 Cinder Glade4 Game Trail4 Evolving Wilds7 Mountain4 Forest
Created this deck as an update to my other Abzan deck. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Made some updates based on suggestions and feedback. Mainly Sorin and Sublime Archangel for pump, life gain and token generation.
I have completed the deck. However, it is not performing as expected and I am very frustrated. I do not want to have to put more money into this deck, but as I have discovered, Magic is a money pit. I am debating between trying to retool the deck or completely scrap it and canabalize the parts. Thoughts?
Made some changes in light of Oath of the Gatewatch and banning of Prophet of Kruphix.
Been working on this list for a while now. I have a Abzan Standard deck but I am getting out of Standard due to the accelerated rotation schedule. Any thoughts on how I can make this deck more affordable? The some of these cards are very expensive and will take me a while to get.
This a variant of another EDH deck, http://www.mtgvault.com/lorddeathseed/decks/kneel-before-temur-ugin2-edh/, with a new commander. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I've gotten some new cards and shuffled things around. The biggest change is that I've got Clouded Faeries and Deadeye Navigator. With those cards combined with Warstorm Surge, its an infinite damage combo! I thought that I would be an unexpected win condition but it still works.
Seems to be a variety of different decks. Control, aggro, combo etc.
4 player FFA. I am not sure why it seems to be so slow.
Northern, this deck is a piece of crap. I get beaten everytime that I play. I have only won 1 game out of a dozen or so. And only getting 1 or 2 creatures out the entire game is not my idea of fun. This deck needs an overhaul and I dont know where to start.
Looks cool Northern! I am still trying to get my Temur EDH deck to work. Any suggestions work be appreciated.http://www.mtgvault.com/lorddeathseed/decks/kneel-before-temur-ugin2-edh/
I have been playing this deck for a while. It does not seem to be consistent. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Im working on putting it together. Getting Bolas i think will be the tough one. Ive had alot of success getting cards thru Pucatrade. Really handy to get rid of cards that I don't need to get the cards that I do.
I like Aggro, my main Standard deck is Abzan http://www.mtgvault.com/lorddeathseed/decks/abzan-aggro-reforged/. I've also got a EDH deck, it isn't working so well, but it is Aggro also http://www.mtgvault.com/lorddeathseed/decks/kneel-before-temur-ugin-edh/. I would be interested in looking at other deck types as well.
Looks like fun!
I like this deck. I am trying to get into Modern and this looks like an inexpensive option. Does anyone have any other suggestions of good Modern budget decks?
You might want to look at Herald of Torment. Attach it to Nighthowler and you have a beefy flyer. Master of the Feast might also be good to have another beefy flyer plus gets your opponent to draw an extra card each turn.Other types of removal like Duress to fuel the graveyard would be good. Duneblast, while expensive, could be worth it since it kills all but 1 creature.
I am working on putting these two decks together to see if they work. Wish me luck. http://www.mtgvault.com/lorddeathseed/decks/dtk-bw-warriors-budget/
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