Annoying is the word most frequently used by my opponents!! I have a few faster and probably more potent decks but this is just huge amounts of fun to play
Nice deck - looks fun to play - this is my attempt at an infect\proliferate deck:
Decimator web looks quite interesting although may throw one of those into my arty mill deck. The nice thing about this deck is that it does'nt take long to grow some very large creatures so if the poison does'nt get them or the contagion engine does'nt blow away their creatures then the big arse counter stacks just roll on in and stomp! Must try and locate a 4th reclaimer though - it's proving to be the king of this deck.
Agreed on the comment about goblin arsonist - ups the chances to get a goblin for the grenades and does extra damage besides (oh how often that one or two life makes all the difference). Swap out the flunkies for the arsonists and maybe lose the treasured finds to krenko mob boss and\or goblin chieftain. - mind taking a peek?
Picked up some nice cards out of those deck-builders!! Definately needs more lands though methinks otherwise you'll have trouble getting the mana out - might want to lose a few higher cost cards for a bit more 1 and 2 CMCs. Mind looking at this one?
Very, very nice deck! Lots of different cards in there and seems fast - one thing that you might find is over time you find prefences toward some cards over others which lead to switching out the non-faves for those favourites up to the four card limit. Mind checking this one out?
Flicker mechanic is awesome fun, my own Yo-Yo deck is still in it's early stages but when the cards fall ok the comedy of tap\untap, exile, bounce, gain life, do damage, counter etc,etc.....hilarious!! Mind checking out my recently updated deck?
I like the idea of this deck however I would suggest either (or both!) token generators to cushion the sacrifice cost and\or cheap creatures that have a secondary on death ability - chime of night is nice start to that. Possibly one or two raise dead type cards to bring those sacrificed creatures back and then rinse\repeat. Deathrite shaman, scavenge's & gleancrawler could be good too? Mind taking a peak at my labour of love - spend waaaay too long tweaking this one:
Nice deck - if it's not purely standard then Soul warden is a nice addition! Mind having a peek at my deck?
Awesome deck - given me a few ideas to boost me selesnya deck!! Mind checking out my reworked arty deck?
Love the new scavenge mechanic - nice deck here buddy! And I have got to get me some gravecrawlers Mind looking at mine?
I like this deck a fair old bit - I would be tempted to put back in cathar's crusade - you have a number of creatures in the deck and the ability to throw in a few tokens is in there too. The deck seems reasonably quick also. Mind checking out my revamped arty deck?
Just looked at grafted exoskeleton - this might sneak into the deck somewhere down the line
Now this I like! Looks like an evil deck to play against - how much play have you had with this? Mind peeking at my rejigged deck:
I agree with Endless ranks but I found I just did'nt need it!! I put the endless into my zombie mill deck and in there it is more nasty!!
How the heck did I miss caress of phyrexia it's stunning! Grim affliction is good and sat in this deck for ages - I still have a number that are almost in sideboard but they eventually got tweaked out. I also have more steel overseers but they are spread over my other artifact decks and I hate swapping cards in and out of decks!
Really like this deck and does seem nasty - I think my only observation would be one of bumping up the speed ever so slightly? Would you mind checking out my re-tweaked deck?
Love this deck - Izzet is rapidly becoming a favourite of mine! Would you mind casting your eye over my artifact deck?
I think I have enough for infect with sideboard too. The aim is to boost the arcbound (and other creatures) of my own whilst hitting theirs and proliferate as often as possible! I am looking at adding in a few Ichorclaw Myr and Choking Fumes and possibly Gavony Township. I'd like to boost Steel overseers to 3 or 4 (replacing the Arcbound overseer probably). Still needing work but nice enough for casual - going to test it out in a few days so we'll see how it goes!
Aye true - to buy one of those and 4 gravecrawlers though - an expensive indulgence!!