This is a peasant deck I created for play in any peasant leagues where berserk is legal.
It used to run cards like Ghazban Ogre, Wild Dogs, and 4 Metenda Lion... but I scrapped most of those for stabler creatures that combo better with Berserk.
Kavu Predator is really good with invigorate, but i've decided that berserk is just better. I could switch the Might of the Old Krosa (and maybe 1 Berserk) for 1 (or 2) Kavus, but I'm hesitant.
Sideboard Notes:
Naturalize - anti-artifact and/or enchantment
Scavenger Folk - more anti-artifact
Wrap in Vigor - anti-burn, anti-removal though Silhana Ledgewalker or Vines of the Vastwood might be better. I rarely want to hold back mana, except for pump. Wrap in Vigor is also good against other creature decks, but this deck flies through most other creature decks, especially with Skarrgan Pit-Skulk and Uktabi Drake as virtually unblockable creatures in peasant.
Lllanowar/Fyndhorn Elves - anti Land Destruction. I was running Guttural Responce for anti blue/anti-storm, until I learned that Gut.Resp. is uncommon :(
Example of a goldfish win on turn 2 (going first):
T1, Forest, Seal of Strength; 7-2 = 5 cards in hand
T2, Land Grant/Forest/Lotus Petal; 5+1 -1 = 5 cards in hand
tap G, Uktabi Drake (2/1); 4 cards in hand
invigorate for free, U.D. = 6/5, opp at 23; 3 cards in hand
sac seal of strength, U.D. = 9/5, opp at 23, 3 cards in hand
invigorate again, U.D. = 13/9, opp at 26, 2 cards in hand
tap G, Berserk, U.D. = 26/9 haste, flying trample on turn 2 with opponent getting knocked to exactly 0.
There are multiple ways to win turn 2, but this deck is looking to bring a few beats early, and smack in big for the win on turn 4, 5, or 6. Usually with a Rancored, then pumped, Skarrgan Pit Skulk or a hastey Berserking Uktabi Drake.
Questions? I have tons of Peasant Decks and all of them are near broken due to ridiculous uncommons like Skullclamp, Demonic Tutor, Berserk, Isocron Scepter