oh and quest for removal is not needed. Also, how do you plan to deal with all the removal in the format? Look into Eldrazi Monument and Vines of the Vastwood. Good luck!! :)
Eldrazi vs. Overrun? Also, you may want Harrow for acceleration and to activate the Avenger of Zendikar as an instant. Why don't you just try to go with Accelerated Elves into BIG PLANT-MAKING MAN! And run 4 of each Elf liege. --------- Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
Or Everflowing Chalice for mana acceleration. You need some way to stay alive. Or generate advantage. Fun though :) --------- Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
So... for the first 4 turns you play no competitive creatures. Sounds like you will trouble with aggro decks. Try Calcite Snapper and/or Wall of Denial.
--------- Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
... You need 4x Abyssal Persecutor. ... and Mark of Mutiny. ... and Act of Treason. They are part of the Bazaar Trader combo. Steal the creature, give it to your opponent and at the end of the turn, the Act of Treason EOT effect will give YOU the creature!!!
Lol! Are fetchlands legal in Unhinged? There should should be serious Unhinged tournaments... o wait.. that defeats the purpose of the set... nm :P
Fun deck, but I think you are hurting the power level compared to the original. Sarkhan Vol << Ajani Venjant 23 lands is kinda rough. You really want 24 and/or 5 accelerators. --------- Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
@ Talkyn, Planeswalkers give you a free spell every turn. They also have options. Jace can unsummon 2 creatures every 3 turns if he needs too. Or he can draw 3 cards and I put 2 from my hand back. If I then crack a fetchland, the top of the deck changes, and his ability gets really good again. So it doesn't need 5 turns to "appreciate". Or, I can look at my opponent's top card and choose to remove it if it is good. Or leave it if it is bad. This card denial really hurts the opponent, especially end game. Elspeth gives a 1/1 token (which can save your a$$) or pumps +3/+3 and flings a creature into the sky (for the win, hopefully, or a lot of lifegain). @charvitar I own about $40-60 worth of this deck, lol, and mostly lands, uncommons, and 1-of rares. I have a friend who, with my contribution, has everything but the Jaces and a few cards here and there. ZP is nice, but the creatures that I really care about are white. Nighthawk has BB in his requirement. Do-able, but I'd need another untapped black mana source to pull with KotR. Maybe Drowned Catacomb instead of Glacial Fortress. @Marlo12345 The beauty is in the acceleration. This deck can go: T1 Forest, BoP/NH T2 Plains, KotR T3 Plains, Tap 3 mana, use KotR's ability, fetch a plains, tap it and cast BSA. In standard, I'd rather drop Emeria T3, crack KotR's ability for a fetchland, and crack the fetch to get a 3/3 flier and 2 1/1 fliers. Because BSA dies in standard if you drop her into play Turn 3. The real beauty of the deck is its ability to cast threat after threat. If the opponent can't deal with every single threat, they lose. And with 6 token producing dudes, acceleration, and 7 lifelink creatures, this deck can survive against fast aggro decks like Boros.
Here's my suggestions to turn this into a playable deck (not just against Red/Black): Needs 4x Honor of the Pure. And 2-3x Conqueror's Pledge. And 4x Path to Exile. And if you have the money or the want, Baneslayer Angel is always good (especially against Red decks). --------- Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
I like it, but... Needs more Verdant Catacombs. Especially with Balroth. I think Kokusho is better than Spirit Monger. GB rock and no Eternal Witness? No Tarmagoyf? No black card draw? --------- Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
I like your deck. Looks solid. I've made a version from post-WWK: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 :P
Nice work so far :) Because you say "Standard" I assume you want to be competitive. So here's my advice: ------------------- I'd put 4 Kor Firewalkers in the main. They are so good against so many matchups. And they are 2/2 Kors for 2. I'd play 4 Sunpetal Grove, 3 Stirring Wildwood, and at least 2 Behemoth Sledge. You should pick the best equipments and a few situational ones. Most of the ones in the list are a bit weak. (Basilisk Collar is probably the best in your deck right now. And the evasion ones are good, too) I'd play 4 Honor of the Pure, and 2 Elspeth. Especially with Conqueror's Pledge. Rest for the Weary is weak. Choose the Best of the Best: the best Kor-s, the best Equipment, the best Spells, the best Land. You will have to cut some Kors and Equipment to make other stuff fit in. ------------ Or you can play my ~ $900 Standard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44657 If only I had $900, lol. :P
I like it, but it seems a bit excessive with the graveyard hate. Maybe you could switch a few spells for card draw or removal... Good luck :P
Earthquake would make this deck hot. Or any damage spell that can kill by doing X damage. Heck, Chandra Nalaar even looks good in here. And the new Jace is nice for repeatable bouncing (draw and control of your opponent's top deck). Too bad he costs $50+. My Advice: -------------- Main Deck: -4 Deathmark, +4 Earthquake Sideboard: -4 Agony Warp, +4 Deathmark (Side in to kill Baneslayer...) +4 Negate +2 Chandra Nalaar +3 Mind Rot +2 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
Just to clarify, 2 changlings + coat of arms isn't some sort of infinitely large combo that makes you win... If you look at the rulings on Coat of Arms (at http://magiccards.info/autocard.php?card=Coat%20of%20Arms): "Sharing multiple creature types doesn't give an additional bonus. Coat of Arms counts creatures, not creature types." If you have CoA and 2 creatures out, say 2 Chameleon Colossi, they both will get +1/+1. Not +infinity/+infinity. It's the number of *creatures* that they share types with. *Not the # of creature types*. But if you then play a Llanowar Elf, they will all get +2/+2. If you then play a Birds of Paradise, the elf and bird will get +2/+2, and the 2 Colossi will each get +3/+3. Fun idea, but I think it may work best with the crazy "elf combo" or an accelerated elf deck with card draw...
I was looking for a U/G control with tiny powerful U/G creatures, but this is very nice.
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