Ah yes the tides ;D ahah Nope never ever associating anything with core tapper Can u actually search tokens?
I have acetism mainly in for the tap 1 and forest then regen a creature. Good with feed the pack. Yeah ill take out quest i suppose. Ur right bout tht one. And yeah tht is what im scared of all the flippin if u play 2 spells. if i had $40 extra id add a huntsmaster and a garruck relentess hahaha
lol ik im still working on it. And im realizing that werewolves are really good so i might do mainly werewolves and have a good amount of 2/2 wolf spawners
dont make it green take out the grren things
add Trepanation Blade
I have him because if i have reaper from the abyss out and oppenents have no creatures out i want a few more large demons to Deal damage so i cant kill them. (note: reaper says "destroy nondemon creature") And he gives a bonus for things dying so and deathtouch is a nice added bonus
add arch weaver!
how is this a germ?
no relentless rats?
Those cards look pretty good. Im kinda on a budget though so im not gunna put them in. Thanks anyways though:D
too expensive and too spefic. For example if I'm playing a mono black deck it wont do anything
Sorry, the gideons would definitely help, but I'm try to run mono-black. I used to have a small amount of white but just didn't seem to work as well.
Its mono black sorry for the confusion. Ill definetly look into the otger cards and your suggestions. Thanks
Slime molding.....???
check out this would be a good addition Desecration Elemental
nice deck!
Thanks. Ill certainly add them
ya know, you could just add one urzas mine and put a 4 instead of adding seperate ones...same with the forests, the towers, and power plant lol
21-40 of 62 items