This is the current deck I ran at the GP Minneapolis 2014. I know this deck and sideboard need significant revisions, and I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
This is as I'd like it to be:
It took a miserable 3-6.
My matchups were:
GR Tron
UR Storm
UWR Snap Control
Naya Hexproof
Esper Control
WB Tokens
Match Loss due to Sitting at the Wrong Seat
Soul Sisters
Inkmoth nexus, phyrexian crusader (gotta love that prot), and funeral charm seem like pretty key cards. If funeral charm is a new card for you, make note that it's an instant; if your opponent has an empty had, so long as the card they draw is not a cast-able instant, you can prevent your opponent from drawing a card by forcing them to discard the card they just drew. Another thing about funeral charm is that you may pump an attacker; or, when urborg is in play, you can make any of your creatures unblockable.
Against Twin Exarch:
+1 slaughter pact
+3 sudden death
+1 torpor orb
+1 pithing needle
+2 ratchet bomb
-2 Raven's Crime
-1 liliana of the veil
-1 black sun's zenith
-1 skithiryx, the blight dragon
-3 something else
This is a pretty tough match-up (EDIT, now that I have much more removal, it shouldn't be nearly as difficult), especially if the game progresses long enough for your opponent to not feel pressured into comboing with no mana up. Basically, save your removal for pestermites. Do whatever you can to kill them, but always try to keep a dismember or Victim of the Night back if you have one. This is one of the matches where I want infinite mana and a ton of removal because you want to deal with the combo if your opponent uses 4x deceiver exarch. Only 6 of the cards can deal with it; and, most likely, you or I or whoever plays this deck may have already used some of that removal on, say, pestermites. And let's not even discuss counterspells and card draw. On games 2 and 3, just pray that your opponent doesn't have any mizzium skins.
Against Affinity:
+1 Ratchet Bomb
+3 sudden death
+2 Lashwrithe
+1 Slaughter Pact
+1 mutilate
+1 pithing needle
+1 dismember
-1 Thoughtseize
-1 Raven's Crime
-1 duress
-4 Inquisition of Kozilek
-3 other things
This is the second toughest match-up. It's very difficult to win (EDIT but a tiny easier due to Slaughter Pact), even after sideboarding, but not impossible. In this match-up, bring in as much removal as possible. You need to kill stuff before you die. Ratchet bomb only kills ornithopers, memnites, and mox opals, but it's a cheap substitute for the damnations that I would prefer. Vampire Nighthawk and Lashwrithe both act as additional threats to hopefully force defensive action on your opponent's half. This is when I want 4x Vampire Nighthawk and 2x Lashwrithe. Affinity really hurts.
Some of the match-ups that are easier to win are birthing pod, and RDW. Both the Rock and Living End decks are difficult to beat and require very good play. Though, after boarding, you have the edge if your opponent does not have much experience against Mono Black.
Snap control is near impossible. You must be either patient or hyper-aggressive. Don't be afraid to bluff like crazy and play other mind games. A way to win is also to get rid of supreme verdicts, and successfully cast a phyrexian crusader. One reason why I have sudden death is to cast phyrexian crusader then sudden death while maintaining priority. Sure, it rarely comes up, but it means you have a chance to win if your opponent doesn't burn you to death.
This sideboard needs significant revisions, and so does the deck; but hey, I'm cheap.