Unless you can utilize how fetch lands shuffle your library, or how they increase landfall triggers, having them in a mono colored deck is not that great. Sure, they thin your draws, but the increase in probability of drawing an extra card can only be consistently noticed around turn 9, and at a fair loss of life. Gitaxian Probes would even be more efficient. This might be irrelevant if modern was almost entirely control and combo, but there are a lot of very aggressive strategies in the last PT. It does help See the Unwritten slightly, and would help a decent amount if you also played Courser of Kruphix or Lotus Cobra. Here's an article explaining the probability: http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/print.asp?ID=3096Good deck, though. It's creative and just my play style. +1 from me.
Not under the Duel Commander banlist, as mentioned in the title. I'll make sure to clarify this in the deck description, though. http://duelcommander.com/rules/
I'll try Deathreap Ritual. I've tested triangle of war, also, but have grown to like it less. It doesn't do anything for me if I have only glissa on my side of the table, which happens to be often enough, especially with all of the Oloro players at my shop.
Good suggestion. Though, serum visions helps flip delver. Well, since it's a sorcery, it'd only be turn 3, which my chances are it'd be flipped by then anyways. I'll mess around with it, and maybe bring out my calculator if I want to get serious with a tier 1.5 archetype.
Well, then, I'd probably have Advantageous Proclamation and cut Damnation and 4 other cards. Probably bequeathal, butcher ghoul, disciple of griselbrand, driver of the dead.
Cryptic command is loads of card advantage, but I'm trying to build more on the aggressive side by including more proactive cards rather than reactive. Well, originally, this was a stoneforge mystic + delver deck that I saw someone play in legacy, but I forgot about the modern bannings, but still kept the batterskull in. It has no purpose. I haven't really noticed many mana issues, but that's only when goldfishing it. I think it needs at least 22. I was thinking of running 4 gitaxian probes, which would probably make 20 okay, but then I'd still have to cut 1-2 additional spells than if I were to do that rather than run 22-23 lands. I think I'll try adding 2 basics to help with blood moon matchups, but if I'd get a turn 3 geist down, it'd be hard to lose that matchup.
Yeah, I guess lots of the control decks are getting more popular as people are now a lot more familiar with the format. I guess it's just that the burn decks I've faced always run him. But that's a good call on your part.
Satyr Firedancer is so good in standard mono red burn that I might even run 4 in the mainboard. Then again, you might have to (but I'm not positive) run more spells that can target the opponent for that to work...
Why search for tomorrow instead of sakura-tribe elder? It seems like a fine replacement, as your land comes into play untapped, but it seems like most top scapeshift decks run 4 sakura-tribe elder and 4 search for tomorrow. An elder might also even out your sorcery-creature ratio for tarmogoyf. It doesn't seem like you can cut anything for it, except maybe anger of the gods (I prefer pyroclasm, but only really so I have mana open for more instants). I love your take on this archetype. Could it even be the next "tarmo-twin"?Hmm. What about more fetches? You are running 3 colours...Overall, I think this is an interesting deck and would definitely throw your opponent off game 1. +1 from me.
I like this. It has a lot of flavour and seems like it'd be fun to play. Another card for flavour's sake, where's greed?
Here's my version of budget Izzet. http://www.mtgvault.com/logazor/decks/ur-pauper-delver/
I'm a huge fan of it. It only hurts in Burn vs Burn, but then you will only cast it when you have 2 more red mana open than your opponent. I do love it with stuffy doll and seething song....
I just remembered.... BUDGET UR DELVER!!! I love that deck so much in pauper. (Though, chain lighting can be a bit expensive, even though it is a common). I'll see if I can build and link a version that doesn't use chain lightning.
Oops. I meant counterflux in side, but it seems that you understood that. I have a habit of net decking GP decks; well, net decking proxies, then testing and modifying them. I mainly do that with legacy decks, though, since legacy, draft, and sealed are the only formats that I frequently play. And EDH. Always EDH. A year or two ago, I read an article my Travis Woo where he talked about how he does not like to build a sideboard for a deck until he's tested and tweaked the deck extensively, or else he becomes overly attached to certain cards in the sideboard. Sideboards are a tricky little thing. It's never the same between two days for me (unless it must be). I'll be sure to check out Mtg Mulligan** The name's Webber, Logan. ** EDIT (Or not, as I only speak English and German. Oh well c-: )
I would say it sounds like a (P+L)(A+N). Just hope that your plan isn't foiled when you don't get your pieces together *insert pun about piece-wise functions, or integration by parts, i.e. pieces, here*. Enlightened tutor should help a little bit with that. The only problem I see is that you don't have enough isochron scepter targets for it to get maximum utility; for a long time, it'll probably sit, inactive, in your hand or on the field. I think going a token swarm and soul sisters route might just be a bit better, or at least be a faster, more reliable strategy. Anyhow, if you continue trying out your isochron scepter + (insert removal spell here) and mycosynth lattice + indomitable archangel synergies and find something that works, then your brewing might have produced a new archetype that could work very well and inspire other peoples' decks; if it's a failure, then at least you know what doesn't work and you learned from it anyhow. (Now I'm sounding like my chemistry professor). Even if it's not all that likely, I would enjoy seeing a Serra Ascendant (say, you're at 30 life) enchanted with Celestial Mantle and a Rhox Faithmender in play. Attack with a 9/9 lifelink, go to 48 then triple that (since doubling your life total counts as gaining life) to 104 life. With a Mirrian Crusader instead, that'd be 270 life (30 tripled, then tripled again). I'm not sure if you knew that, but I just looked up rulings for Celestial Mantle and I thought that was cute. Again, not likely, but completely hilarious if you pull it off.
Mirrian Crusader really puts in the beats with either of your auras, as well as synergizes with sun titan but I feel that both can be cut in order to give you more options. Banisher priest could take the slot for a soft removal spell on a stick (though, I don't much like that option, as you can't sacrifice it in response to the ETB trigger). Also, I really like some of these ideas on this site. http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh/198073-mono-white-combosOn that site, I quite like the Darien, King of Kjeldor + Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant/Auriok Champion/Suture Priest "soft lock" as all parts in the soft lock benefit both of your strategies. Now that I start looking, I see that there are a lot more things that one can do in mono white, so now it might not be my second least favourite colour to play (it might take third and switch places with blue, but I love my counterspells, too). Also, now that I'm looking at cards, celestial crusader can be awesome in this deck. Oh, your opponent plays blue and you want to cast felidar sovereign. Are those islands untapped? No worries; just say you maintain priority, t then cast the Felidar Sovereign, then cast Celestial Crusader on the stack. Now the Sovereign can't be countered. Sadly, that'll probably never come up, and if it does, hope that it doesn't die.
I like the lifegain in your deck, but I think it still needs a Serra Ascendant for that time when you cast her turn 1. I'd maybe cut a pridemate or Armored Ascension for her. Also, since you run only 7 artifacts, I believe that the Indomitable Archangel for, say, a Baneslayer Angel; Heliod, God of the Sun; or Evangel of Heliod if you are going with a token strategy. Also, for the token strategy, Increasing Devotion is a fair way to get 15 1/1 tokens into play with one spell. That's threatening 45 damage with Elesh Norn. Another thing that I see is that waylay is only a combat trick that can trade with a ground attacker for 3 mana. I feel like a sol ring or oust would be better suited for that slot. I'm sure it can still be tuned more, but it seems fun to play and still effective in multiplayer. Then again, I rarely play white in EDH. +1 from me.
Thanks! I was recently inspired by your deck that you made, so I decided to make a "semi-budget" (less than $200) legacy deck around sacrificing things on MTGvault. Well, I've already seen a few Black/Red/White "Zombardment" decks during legacy nights at a local gaming shop, so I basically knew what was in it already (I replaced lingering souls and tidehollow sculler for a few inferior creatures just so I wouldn't have to use a 3 colour mana base).
I love sacrificing things. Here's a pauper deck that I have that utilizes a similar principle, but instead of doing damage, I'm forcing my opponents to discard (at instant speed, If I so wish). http://www.mtgvault.com/logazor/decks/pauper-black-sacrifices/Your deck is a fabulous $13, less than the average intro pack.
Kikipod is just such a strong deck. Mainly because of how the deck can act as both an aggressive beatdown deck with a combo backup. The same thing with tarmotwin. It came as a surprise when scapeshift won the GP MN, but then again, Kikipod can't do much about removal if a pod is countered. (Or abrupt decay'd for that matter). My favourite modern deck to play still stands as UWr Control. I'm quite liking the Eidolon of Rhetoric in the sideboard as a way to deal with storm, but I'd probably still want to run a single counterflux in the main (though, I don't know what I'd cut. Maybe a negate or combust???). If you are R. Ken, I thank you for uploading this decklist. If you are not R. Ken, I thank you for uploading R. Ken's decklist so that I may clone it and test with/against it if I so wish.
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