Really quick, when the Raised by Wolves card comes out you should rename the deck to "Razed by wolves". Good tribal name
Hey there, I like what you have done with slagfiend and the cheap artifacts. I did my own take on it a while ago and it's pretty fun to play. splashed black and it seems to work well enough. Also the old free baubles work great for getting themselves in the graveyard and also for the draw you get off them next turn. Plus it can lead to a 6/6 Slagfiend on turn one which is pretty cool (with a perfect hand of 4 - 5 baubles, 1 - 2 lotus petals, and a slagfiend)(edit) I am sorry for the reposts, my computer was acting up
That does seem to be the case. As seen in the comments above there has been a semi-lengthy discussion about the speed. Certainly an interesting concept though. The creator of it said that it won him/her a tournament though so there is that as well (I will assume male).
It's the Pyrite Spellbomb. It can be brought back enough to kill someone with all the recursion spells the deck has (the Faith's Reward, Second Sunrise, along with the bauble and reshape to bring it back)
oh that's right, I completely forgot the bauble's use of putting back in a card from the graveyard. I did not take that into account. Alright then, it makes sense damage-wise. Thank you for clearing that up for me
I understand that. It's easy enough to get out the spellbomb but it still has limited uses. The problem I see is getting all the recursion spells to use the spellbomb. To me it goes like this:Get spell bomb and lotus out some time turn two or turn 3 or so.Have recursion spell in hand and sacrifice spellbomb and lotus to get mana floating and do 2 damage. Use recursion spell in hand to bring both back to field. This is all well and good but it slows down until you get the next recursion spell. Even with all the draw it still takes potentially a couple of turns to run into one of them again. Even that is alright though, since that is what this deck does as its idea. It just seems to me like you can only sacrifice the spellbomb a limited number of times before you run out of the instants used to bring the spellbomb back. If each instant essentially means a single extra sacrifice of the spellbomb then the total is 8 times 2 plus the initial 2 which adds up to 18 and thus not being enough to kill anyone unless they were damaging themselves. Am I wrong?
Very nice. I actually finally get it by the way. The lotus bloom is what makes it all work, right? Though by my count the spellbomb can only do 18 damage with all the recursion. Does there need to be an extra one? Actually not only that, the deck looks like it depends on getting all 8 of the recursion spells. Which is fine, do not get me wrong what with all the draw power, but that would certainly slow it down a little bit. At least by what I am seeing with play testing.
I will play test it some more. Trust me, I want this to be awesome. I love the low mana cost artifacts.
It's a bit old but here was my take on those old cantriping artifact cards. I think that red would be a better focus of this deck for the direct burn. Though I am biased since that is essentially all I did with mine.
I apologize and I feel a bit dumb for saying this but how exactly does this deck win? I saw the grapeshot in the sideboard but aside from that the only thing I can see as a possibility is using the Pyrite Spellbomb in conjuncture with your return-card instants. If there is something I am missing please do not hesitate to educate me. I will say though that I do have a soft spot for the Pyrite Spellbomb. One of my first cards.
Try out a play test of it. The combo is pretty fun to use. Also I would love any tips or thoughts on the deck.-Cheers!
I do the very same when looking for ideas, or at least most. My apologies for being overly sensitive. In any case, it is always nice to see a shuffle deck get into the top spot. Good show, friend
Whoa there friend, I did not ask for advice on my deck. I also do not think it is kind of you to say that you cringed. My entire purpose for offering you my deck is to pick out what you like. I understand it is not the greatest, nor do I mean for it to be. There are simply a couple cards in there that I think would be to your benefit. I do respect your criticism however and if I ever feel like fixing it up I will take you up on the advice. With all that being said, I hope that you at least found some fun cards in there. (truth be told, those one offs are simply because I enjoy the idea of jesters)
Hey there. It seems everyone is starting to make this deck this year. Made mine a little bit ago too. Same general idea. Also From the Ashes is a bit expensive. I might suggest lowering your overall cost of spells. Here is mine if you want to look over it to take the good ideas and leave the bad ones. if that link does not work, which it might not, just look up Truffle Shuffle or decks with the probe in it. -Cheers
Discount the sideboard in terms of what I mean to actually have in a sideboard. I was just using it as a place where I could find the cards that I took out of it while I am still technically in build mode. Also it seems I forgot to save the deck idea and way to play. I will fix that post-haste.
Hey, so I as I said, I like to make weird decks. This being the latest of my bad Ideas. Any help would deeply be appreciated. As you can see, my sideboard is an absolute mess due to it being all the cards I found for it and then trimmed. Maybe I should not have trimmed some of them, maybe I should have trimmed others. I ask you for your advice. -Cheers
I think you might want to split this into a couple of different decks. It seems you are spread out a bit too much with how you want to play the deck. Plus, you have no way to get your bombs out early to be threats. I can understand the appeal of having a deck of only bombs but it takes preparation and set up to really make them shine. Think about only zombies or at least some other form of ramp if you still want to head in the direction you are going. Also you may want to thin it down to about 60 or so just for sake of finding what you want easier. As for playing hulks, green has more what you are looking for if you are big into power. That is not to say though that you cannot make a deck of both for the mana ramp and bulk of green and the creature devastation of black. Just my two cents though.I hope this helps and happy trails, friend
Ignore the side board. I'm gonna make it something else.
It tastes like burning
I lurve you
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