How do you get the Pridemate to 12 forces on turn 3 ? As I understant this, you would have to win life 11 different times to get that kind of boost ?
I realy like Livewire Lash and Blighted Agent in this deck. Makes it 8 counter with a vampire's bite for 3 mana turn 4, and a gamewiner for 3 mana with Mutagenic Growth, for instance. But this would put you in a less controlish style, I guess, and control is nice.
I'm gonna drop the Centaur Garden. It's actualy not as good as I thought (I first mist the seven card in the graveyard rule...). Blight Mamba served me well quite a few times. With a rancor attached, even better. For the rest, I'm not sure what to do. I don't feel like making space for forceboost because it makes it a realy easy deck to play against for anyone using instant-kill cards : I forceboost till I get around my ten force, he kills my creature, my hand is pretty much empty on turn 3 (two land + one creature + 3 forceboost = 6 cards out of 9 or 10). Of course, getting an elf or inkmoth on turn one helps, but then I rely on Invigorate + mutagenic + giant growth (or land + groundswell, or 2 X free forceboost with nexus). Thats five (or 7) cards I need to end the game on turn 2 (out of 8 cards if I start). I don't feel like it's reliable. To be clear, I feel like playing creature + forceboost deck will give me quick games, but no options if someone plays kill cards, not as much options against quick decks able to block, thus meaning not much fun.
I get the point, but I tend to consider cards in groups of cards. Let's say : 7-8 counter 7-8 kill (surgical extraction is a pre-counter ou pre-kill) 6 draw (with Jace) 4 victory condition (bligh, skit, tezzeret, corrupted conscience) 3 fetch cards to get the victory condition card i need 12 target for tinker, transmuter or tezzeret 1 snapcaster as a backup or whatever