
9 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

How do you get the Pridemate to 12 forces on turn 3 ? As I understant this, you would have to win life 11 different times to get that kind of boost ?

Posted 05 November 2011 at 16:25 as a comment on Ajani Vengeance


I realy like Livewire Lash and Blighted Agent in this deck. Makes it 8 counter with a vampire's bite for 3 mana turn 4, and a gamewiner for 3 mana with Mutagenic Growth, for instance. But this would put you in a less controlish style, I guess, and control is nice.

Posted 01 November 2011 at 21:36 as a comment on Infect - Quick


I'm gonna drop the Centaur Garden. It's actualy not as good as I thought (I first mist the seven card in the graveyard rule...). Blight Mamba served me well quite a few times. With a rancor attached, even better. For the rest, I'm not sure what to do. I don't feel like making space for forceboost because it makes it a realy easy deck to play against for anyone using instant-kill cards : I forceboost till I get around my ten force, he kills my creature, my hand is pretty much empty on turn 3 (two land + one creature + 3 forceboost = 6 cards out of 9 or 10). Of course, getting an elf or inkmoth on turn one helps, but then I rely on Invigorate + mutagenic + giant growth (or land + groundswell, or 2 X free forceboost with nexus). Thats five (or 7) cards I need to end the game on turn 2 (out of 8 cards if I start). I don't feel like it's reliable. To be clear, I feel like playing creature + forceboost deck will give me quick games, but no options if someone plays kill cards, not as much options against quick decks able to block, thus meaning not much fun.

Posted 01 November 2011 at 04:16 as a comment on Green Infect


I get the point, but I tend to consider cards in groups of cards. Let's say :

7-8 counter
7-8 kill
(surgical extraction is a pre-counter ou pre-kill)
6 draw (with Jace)
4 victory condition (bligh, skit, tezzeret, corrupted conscience)
3 fetch cards to get the victory condition card i need
12 target for tinker, transmuter or tezzeret
1 snapcaster as a backup or whatever

Posted 27 October 2011 at 17:58 as a comment on BU - Control Infect - Blightsteel - Legacy
