
7 Decks, 49 Comments, 0 Reputation

1 card you should try is enchanted evenings it changes all cards into enchantments as well as their other types and pairing it up with greater auramancy all your permanats

Posted 25 June 2008 at 21:19 as a comment on


you should try using living death and living end and pair them up with spawning pit i use them in my zombie deck

Posted 14 June 2008 at 20:24 as a comment on Strong Zombies


awesome deck.....just 1 question.....why not have the urza's factory ???

Posted 11 June 2008 at 06:05 as a comment on ArtifactTron


ummm sounds like a good idea but how do u plan on having all 3 legendary equipments in play ??? and its not that hard to stop kaldra

Posted 04 June 2008 at 03:08 as a comment on Kaldra the worldslayer


yeah i agree that i have a lot of 1 shot cards and what not and i have been trying to replace them but i just dont know what to put in so if u could give me some ideas on what to put in that would be appreciated, and as for cutting it i have tried to add a few and take some out i just cant do it so if u could also help me choose which ones to take out would also be appreciated

Posted 04 June 2008 at 03:01 as a comment on Reality Manipultion


Hey another thing you might want to check out is Mirror Gallery since you do have multiple legendaries. If you don't want to its okay but thought it might help you out a bit I have a rat deck it isn't posted yet may post it soon though so keep an eye out and let me know when you find it okay.

Posted 03 June 2008 at 20:42 as a comment on eRATicate


see thats the thing this is my first deck and it started 120+ and i have slimed it down to this and cant make it smaller without ruining the deck

Posted 03 June 2008 at 17:30 as a comment on Reality Manipultion


I have a question how do you plan on getting everything out? Well what I mean is you only have 4 lands and even with fists of suns in play you would still need to tap 5 in order to play a single spell above four.

Posted 03 June 2008 at 04:05 as a comment on Untouchable Sunburst


k i have played this deck b4 and to tell u the truth it kinda sucked, the whole idea was good but the execution was lacked in judgement if u were to play it out differerntly and add a few other goblins it would make it an even stronger deck to play against

Posted 03 June 2008 at 03:55 as a comment on Goblin Rush


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