Card choice makes it Standard. If Standard then I would seriously consider a different land mix. Something like: Lands: 23 - 4 Inkmoth Nexus, 6 Forest, 6 Swamp, 3 Tectonic Edge, 4 Verdant Catacombs. For creatures I would include Glistener Elf and or Vector Asp, and top out the curve at the Hand of the Praetors. Something like: Creatures: 19 - 4 Glistener Elf, 4, Vector Asp, 3 Phyrexian Crusader, 3 Viridian Corrupter, 4 Hand of the Praetors. Maybe one Skithiryx as a top end finisher? For spells, you have 12 creature boosters and 8 removal; I would consider a slightly different mix; I would definitely include Dismember. Giant Growth is not an option with M12. Groundswell depends on an land drop, which would be your turn, not the most flexible booster spell.