i was skeptical, but 3 sample hands proved me wrong. i really like this deck
i think Cold-Eyed Selkie bc the card advantage it give will cover for dropping any other card by 1
im still not a fan of pulse tracker
needs nighthawks to help comp for tutelage. doomblade?
seems legit enough, i feel mono infect will get better with the next block. right now it just seems like this is the only monoblack deck you could make with the cards available.
i played around with getting a deck around gilt-leaf archdruid going for quite some time, i feel this deck can still be refined a bit to make it better. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=43740 here is a link to mine, not that it cannot be improved upon but it may be helpful in figuring out the future of your own deck. best of wishes.
Might of the Masses over Wirewood Pride that way the symbiotes can help pump too
if your oppenents play decks that target your lands, acsent doesnt help. go with priv.
If you are playing against decks that target your lands/creatures to remove them, toss in 4 privileged positions to stop them. I used too run them in my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=43740 but changed them over to asceticism, but with your white opponent that may not be as good as privileged position
its only 58 cards.
ajani goldmane?
im a big fan of elf decks. are you going to change this deck up any? if so maybe toss in some gilt-leaf palaces (if you want to keep nath in the deck) so he is not reliant on you having a harbinger in play to get out.
maybe look into nissa and the chosen over reg warriors. i have an elf warrior deck that may give you some ideas. good deck :)
Scion of the Wild < Heedless One. I have an elf warrior token deck that you may give you some ideas. (http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=43880). I dont think the w-l liege does alot for the deck (with only 3 other g/w creatures+mercy killing), instead perhaps consider adding warcallers, archdruids, or just old fashion champions?
maybe add some canopy covers to help protect you omnath, plus give you that evasive swing with him.
i would drop the winnower and ambush. perhaps take a look at playing Tower Above, Tanglesap, or even a few heritage druid. I have an elf warrior deck that may help you get some ideas. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=43736 and most definitely go with the obsidian battle axes. trample haste is too sick.
hey I really loved this deck, I built it and ended up changing a few things if you care to see check it out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=43740