Merciless Orzhov v.8

by Lithionlx on 21 April 2013

Main Deck (62 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (7)

Instants (8)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

Merciless Orzhov v.8
**Wait What?**

Version 7 can be found here:
This version:
Removes Liliana of The Dark Realms
Removes Blood Artist
Crypt Ghast is +1 to X4
Blind Obedience Goes +1 to x3
Killing Wave +1 to x4
Bump in the Night +1 to X4
Sign in Blood +2 to X4
Questions and Answers:
Lith.. you change this up like twice a week WTF?
Version 7 was good. It wasn't good enough. This was played in FNM last night. Did wonderful.

Play Testing of Version 7 and 8 Revealed:
Version 7:
Combo's galore and way to much going on to make it viable. To much fluff, not enough extort hitting the table makes it really easy to roll. However DO NOT count this version / variation out. As there is a card in Dragon's Maze that will most certainly have me revisiting this build.

Version 8:
Played splendidly. Mana was right all night, Draw was right, I stayed above 22HP every game I won. Version 8 also got to be the first time I have trolled an opponent in more than a decade. (see comment section)

How to Play

11 potential extort triggers. 4 on the table at a time is magic number. Killing Wave as much and for as much as possible while not playing the curve and extorting it and for that matter every other spell for as much as possible ALWAYS.

Example of RULE#1:
If you have 4 mana and 1 extort trigger on the field then you only have 3 available mana to use. So get over it cast what you can and extort it. ALWAYS

I have tragic slipped my own screecher for -1/-1 to get four extort out of it on my end step. Then on opponents upkeep did it again for two more extort.

RULE#2: If unsure... Read Rule #1

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,689 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Merciless Orzhov v.8

Ultimate Trolling of Merciless Orzhov:
So last night at FNM, I was playing against Esper. Tamiyo was of course immediately O-ringed. Then he drops Jace on his next main phase. So he is +1'n his heart out on Jayce while I am just ignoring him. He keeps wondering why i'm not pinging Jace. He asks at every combat who i'm hitting; I say "you" and keep going at it. Extorts and Combat damage all the while i'm gaining and gaining. So Jace reached +8 and he sac's him. Opponent gets all kinds of excited. (We have more than a few people watching the match).

So a few of our mutual friends are standing behind him as he starts riffling through my deck. His face begins to grimace as he keeps digging and digging.

We all burst out laughing. Why? He's looking for a Win Condition that isn't there. He's muttering about how he's gonna go get my Griselbrand. Dude gets an O-ring and rings OF ALL THINGS one of my two Blind Obedience. People.. in Orzhov? The Deck IS the win condition.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 02:29


With limited creatures I'd drop the smite for duress. It couldn't hurt having some insurance against counter and combo decks. or just drop all of them and add another card like tragic slip.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 02:48


Like the idea, but Smite is what keeps creatures on the board. Smite+Tragic Slip is just to powerful to take out.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 03:11
