looks scary. i like how you are playing 2 sets of allies, they should interact well together.
What about White Sun's Zenith or Sun Titan? They do well against control decks.
I say keep the bonehoards, but i see you already took them out..
your kidding right? Steppe Lynx is the fastest white card in standard.
i like the sideboard. looks really consistent and solid. good job, and good deck
hmm, i don't know. i don't think you should be playing 4. that would make it so you would be playing less creatures. you could take out the bonehoard... i don't know what else
What about Honor of the Pure??? it is really good in mono white
It is red damage being dealt. so he has protection from it.
This deck is really good. I want to build it now.
21-29 of 29 items